Pool Math/New Start up ?


Bronze Supporter
Feb 9, 2018
Jacksonville, FL
OK! SO there is a good possibility my pool is getting plastered and filled. I am not sure what start up the PB will be doing as far as acid, traditional ext. I have read all of the pool school, ordered my TFP test kit and downloaded the pool math app. My question is: on the app when it ask about chlorine or Salt system, which do I pick if I have a salt system (because I can't add salt for the first 30 days) DO I choose the other and then change it to salt once 30 days are over? Any advice and tips are greatly appreciated as my PB has encouraged me to take a water sample to Pinch a Penny once the pool is full... which I would rather not do.:cool:
All this setting does is alter the suggested levels the app will show you as they’re different between manually dosing and swg. For now I would use the bleach setting but change it in the future when you flip on the SWG.
Treat the pool as a non-SWG pool initially.

Get your TFT Test Kit now. Where are you getting your intial fill water from? Water trucks or house water? If house water you can test the water now and know where you will be starting with PH, TA and CH. If a water trucks then grab a sample when the truck arrives.

Add CYA up to 40 and FC up to 5 immediately after the fill. You know the water will have 0 of those.

Test the PH. If the PH is low leave it alone and it will rapidly rise due to the plaster curing. You will likely have to put MA acid in every day or two to combat PH rise.

What you do about TA depends where you start. Unless it is very low in your fill water just watch it. Nothing to do unless it gets below 50.

Although the PB says wait 30 days before you put salt in, I would wait 60 to 90 days and give the pool more time to cure. Cranking up the SWG will only add to your PH rise. You have to keep PH below 8 to prevent scale on your new plaster. So see how stable your PH gets before you move to salt.

Above is what you should do. You have to temper it with what your PB tells you to do to maintain his warranty. If your PB wants Pool Store water tests to document things then humor him and do your own tests also.
You all really are the best. I ordered my test kit, not sure when it will arrive but hoping before thursday when we fill. The water is coming from our hose and as far as the PB goes... I would be extremely surprised if he helped us at all with start up (so glad I have found you guys) but I will totally take a sample to pinch a penny to document. I just didn't want them selling me a bunch of stuff I don't need lol
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