Pool Math difference


Bronze Supporter
Jul 23, 2015
Mayfield, KY
I have a friend who opened up to low PH and he uses sticks(he wont buy the TFkit) and his PH is around 6.2. When using pool math for a 28000 Gallon pool, the now and goal part of pool math says add 711 oz of Twenty mule team borax, to raise it to 6.8. The effects of adding chemicals says it will raise it 1.3, which would make it about 7.4. What am I missing???
To quote PoolMath:
Note: pH calculations are not exact. These numbers are only suggestive of the relative magnitude of the pH change you can expect. Small changes, +-0.4, with pH between 7.2-7.8, TA around 80-120, and Borate near zero will be approximately correct. The further you go from those ranges the less these pH changes will correspond to reality.

But I wouldn't make any recommendations based off of data obtained by a test strip...

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Find out what is in his water with your test kit first. Then compare to his test strips and show him the difference. No chance of uniting him unless he begins to test his water with enough precision to properly keep his system balanced.
Find out what is in his water with your test kit first. Then compare to his test strips and show him the difference. No chance of uniting him unless he begins to test his water with enough precision to properly keep his system balanced.

I'm three hours away so we're doing this by phone. Next time I go up there, I will take my kit.
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