Pool heater and gas meter

Sep 16, 2018
First time poster. I have read through the forums and some other forums and am still a little confused about my gas meter and pool heater situation. We bought the house with pool already built a couple years ago and it is our first pool. This year, the 4 year old pool heater stopped working and apparently the heat exchanger died (400,000 BTU jandy). Prior to this year have not had issues with the heater Chemistries have been maintained weekly by a pool service company and haven't had any major issues with the pool. One company came out and said the reason for the failure is because the gas meter is undersized. The gas meter is a 275 cfh with maop of 5 psi. My initial thought was that this couldn't supply property gas to the pool heater, but it seems there are more variables involved. The gas meter is less than 10 ft from the pool heater and the piping appears to be 1 1/4 inch. I discussed the issue with the pool builder (reputable company) and they said everything was permitted, and the gas plumber they used is very experienced and said there is no issue with the gas meter.

So before starting up a new pool heater, I wanted to know if the the gas meter can actually provide enough gas to not damage the heater. (I did try calling the gas company, but they won't come out to check right now due to a shelter in place order).
Welcome to TFP.

Two things can happen if your gas line is undersized. Either the heater will not light at all or you will have an incorrect gas/air mixture which causes a yellow flame instead of blue flame. It should cause sooting and smoke in the heater.

I need more specifics in how the heat exchanger died. You have pics of it?

A bunch of folks here from Texas have gone through getting the correct gas service for their gas heater. Maybe some will stop by here.
How often did you use the heater?

Heaters like to be run frequently. Let a heater sit unused for a long time and moisture will get them rusting out. An unused heater will not sit there in brand new conditions unused.
I suspect this statement is the root of your problems: "Chemistries have been maintained weekly by a pool service company"

Have you thought about maintaining your own pool and doing your own testing? This site teaches owner pool maintenance and testing.
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