Pool automation - Hayward Omnihub?


Jun 30, 2021
Plano, TX
I'm looking at updating my pool pump to a VS one and have an old Jandy RS4 automation system that does not support VS pumps. I can upgrade the control board for $800 or so or replace the automation system with something more modern (the Jandy is probably from when the house and pool was build in 2001...).
So since I have a Hayward heater already the question is whether to go with a Hayward pool automation system or something else. If Hayward, the Omnihub seems to fit the bill - except for one thing - it only supports 2 valve actuators and right now I have 2 - for switching pool/spa and I'd like to add another one to direct water to the waterfall also...
So what are your thoughts?
Replace the jandy control board to support VS pump or replace with Omnihub or something else?

Current equipment:
* Hayward 1 speed pool pump (not sure of model - label is not readable)
* Hayward H400 gas heater (for both pool and spa)
* Hayward cartridge filter
* Jandy RS4 control system with indoor panel and spa control (Rev I) Jandy works and I have no real issues with the functionality
* Polaris cleaner and separate polaris 1 speed cleaner
* 10k (guestimate) freeform pool with attached spa (with spillover)
* Waterfall - manual diverter valve right now
I would upgrade your Jandy board with the iAqualink 3.0 kit and you get an RS8 board. You can then add relays if you want.

The heater should not drive the automation selection.
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