Please use eye protection (goggles) when adding Muratic Acid

If I accidentally get any MA vapors in my nose, even if I don't inhale, it feels like the chemical equivalent of Getting punched in the face. No thank you. My dad came to visit recently, and he couldn't sit 10 ft away from where I was pouring- he had to go back inside until I was done.

I think a lot depends on your sensitivity and willingness to deal with discomfort.
I copped a splash of 30% in the eye last year. I used the 19kL eye wash bath I was kneeling next to. It's not an experience I'd recommend, but aside from the instantaneous burn which subsided when washed there was no longer term discomfort.

Goggles don't sound like a bad idea, but not doing something dumb is probably as effective. Once in 35 years. Hopefully I learned a lesson.
I admire the confidence of the folks who don't wear eye protection, but I don't have an eyewash station nearby. I think we are just going to have to "agree to disagree".

My eyes (yes I know I have two, but I'm rather attached to them both) are going to have a physical barrier for the foreseeable future.

And lol at the googles/goggles typo!
I don't have an eyewash station nearby.

Nor do I, but I have a 19kL pool which I was kneeling over.

I don't think we have to "agree to disagree" unless you found someone poking fun at you for wearing goggles, and I don't recall seeing that.

Everyone does their own risk assessment and does things their own way. The world would be pretty naff if we were all the same. I was merely relaying my experience that I did something dumb and it didn't leave me with lasting injury. I probably got lucky. I have had HCl in a paper cut though, and I can't begin to relay how painful that was (although my wife would tell you I'm a wimp apparently).
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