PH Swing and low TA after refill.


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2013
Central New Jersey
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
I just had to replace my liner so the pool was drained and filled with new water from my house (public not well). I initially tested the pool with a pH between 6.8 and 7.2. The TA test turned red after 2 drops and took a 3rd to change color completely so TA is between 20-30. My 1st thought was to raise pH slightly so I added roughly 50oz of borax (I would have added washing soda for the added alkalinity boast but was all out). Well I go back and test the water after letting in circ for a few hours and pH is now off the charts high. I'm guessing now that I should just boost the TA up to 50+ and then mess with the pH to avoid such a crazy swing. Does this seems like the correct course of actions moving forward?
That amount of borax would raise your ph by 0.2. So something else is going on.

How are you testing?

Take care.
Testing TA with the TF-100 and pH with a normal color test. That is what I figured, even if I somehow was off on the TA by a drop and it was 10 50oz should have only raised it by .8 at most. My best guess that the TA is so low that the pH is subject to large swings. I'm going to retest when I go home to see if the pH has changed drastically again.
You might be correct with the very low TA. Did not consider that. Use some baking soda to raise your TA by 20 or 30 points. Will have minimal effect on pH.

Take care.
Well I got it all under control a few days back; raised TA to around 60 then brought he pH back down in a few steps with muriatic acid. Finally I retested the TA and added enough baking soda to to raise it back to 70ish. Thanks
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