pH so important?


Silver Supporter
Apr 19, 2015
Sebastopol, CA

Love this site. I just took my first swim of the season in my fabulous crystal clear pool.

I have a PebbleSheen surface, and SWG for chlorine. The manual that comes with the SWG states that the pH often will stay around 7.8 with a SWG, and that has been the case with my pool. Also, the PebbleSheen seems to maintain it that way too. Now, according to the instructions on this site about SWG chemistry, it is stated that a pH from 7.4 to 7.6 is very important, but doesn't say why. I can put 2 cups of muriatic acid in my pool every weekend, but is this really necessary? My chemistry presently is otherwise just perfect as calculated on this site using my TF100 test kit. So, why is pH so important?
Don't overthink it too much. pH in the 7's is pretty important but the difference between 7.4, 7.6, or 7.8 is "close enough".

As you read throughout this forum, it is helpful to remember that these guidelines were written, modified and published at somewhat different times by different people so you will easily find some details that don't match up. Don't worry. The overarching principles are all valid and all intact and wioll keep your pool crystal clear. We will always work towards complete uniformity of advice but it'll take us some time to get there as we modify and revise our information.

BTW, nice work on your pool water management. It sounds like your water is crystal clear.....yes?
OK, that is good advice. The water is absolutely crystal clear, and the PebbleSheen looks terrific. The pool was built in 2008. Now that I have the SWG dialed in for my CYA level, given my hectic life, it is likely the pool will stay terrific with minimal intervention. It is really nice to have the right test kit. That and the basic principles make all the difference. Knowledge is power!
OK, that is good advice. The water is absolutely crystal clear, and the PebbleSheen looks terrific. The pool was built in 2008. Now that I have the SWG dialed in for my CYA level, given my hectic life, it is likely the pool will stay terrific with minimal intervention. It is really nice to have the right test kit. That and the basic principles make all the difference. Knowledge is power!
Just remember to keep testing regularly. as the summer progresses you will loose a little more FC to sunlight with longer days, plus the first hint some folks have that their SWCG is not working is the pool going cloudy/green. While I have a chlorine pump rather than a SWCG, I still find myself turning it up as the summer progresses and then slowly turingit down as fall arrives.

I generally test with my OTO (yellow drops) test kit three or four days a week and use the FAS/DPD (powder-pink to clear test) two or three days a week.
Well, I am not so sure the pH has much to do with algae control......that is the job of chlorine.

That said, TFP suggests that your pH never go below 7.0 as anything lower becomes increasingly corrosive.
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