Perma-Cast Water Bond Placement


Silver Supporter
May 29, 2018
Chicago, IL
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pureline Crystal Pure 60,000
hopefully weather breaks in 2-3 weeks and I can replumb my pool pad.
New heater, pump, valves, pvc, ect.
Getting everything ready and just realized I do not know were the Perma Cast water bond should go.
I have read on suction line, main drain line, return line.

Reading perma cast it says near skimmer line and cover, but that is not do able, so it has to go in one of the lines at the pad.
I do see that it needs to be installed either horizontal or upside down to prevent air
no, but not a big big deal.
Did some more research and
By right it needed to be under ground near the skimmer, or very least in a pipe that is always holding water, was not going to happen.
I plumbed it in on my return side anyway.
I was looking to do away from my pool light, but will keep it now, as its bonded and the ring acts as a water bond, but I added the inline for the added protection.
Unfortunately I think it will only be in contact with the water while the pump is running.

I see you have been busy this am, replying to unanswered threads, Thanks for your help
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Perma-Cast P2008
I have a infound gunite pool that I need to install an inline water bond. It says it needs to be in standing water. Does anyone have a picture of it installed before the pump or before the filtrer?
Perma-Cast P2008
I have a infound gunite pool that I need to install an inline water bond. It says it needs to be in standing water. Does anyone have a picture of it installed before the pump or before the filtrer?

It is not necessary on a gunite pool as long as the pool rebar is connected to the bonding grid...

For Pool Water Bonding required by NEC Article 680.26C, concrete pools are considered conductive (refer to 680.26 (b)(1) due to the porosity of concrete and the bonding of rebar. No additional bonding is required. Vinyl liner and fiberglass composite shells are considered non-conductive and require a water bond.
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