Pebble finish ABOVE waterline


New member
Oct 16, 2020
We are finishing the tile phase of our pool/spa and about to plaster. We are using WetEdge Black Magic. Our builder has the hot tub surround currently only plaster, no waterline tile, no coping. About 1" of the WetEdge will be exposed at all times. I have seen discussion on previous threads about exposing PebbleTec/WetEdge and there wasn't a consensus. There is nothing preventing it, but most commented that it likely would be a problem keeping it clean.

Has anyone done this recently?
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I think you will get few responses to the question if anyone has done it because it is a bad idea.

If you ask who get waterline scum and scale on the tile along their waterline I think most people will say they do. It is fairly easy to keep smooth tile clean. You will find it impossible to clean all the crevices in a pebble finish at the water line.

Your builder is trying save a few $s by not tiling and leave you the cleaning problems after he is long gone.
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I think you are going to have problems keeping it clean at the waterline, and it could also be prone to fading above the waterline.

Also, looks like WetEdge would exclude that from their warranty, so my guess is they think it's a bad idea:
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Thanks for the replies everyone. As far as the expense goes, we haven't been pinching pennies on that front so he's not gaining anything trying to do that. I'm going to press him on why he went with that look.
Correction, the only time the wet edge will be exposed is when the hot tub is active, when the pool is active it will circulate about the edge.

You really don't want your spa spillover running all the time you are in POOL mode. The spillover will cause aeration that will cause your pH to rise rapidly and you will be adding much more acid to constantly lower your pH.

Many pool owners with automation use the SPA SPILLOVER mode to run their spillover a few times a day for 15 to 30 minutes to refresh the spa water and not have the spa spillover running continuously.
For a time pools around here we’re built with pebble finishes all the the up to the coping and, in some cases, over and around the bond beam in lieu of using tile and coping. It was all the rage in pool design. With a bit of green landscaping near the pool, people liked it because it had a “natural pond” look. It was only after living with the waterline scum & crust build up and then having the plaster crack that was above the waterline did people realize what a terrible idea it is. Plaster needs to be submerged to remain clean and intact. Plaster that is exposed to dry air and sun will eventually fade and crumble apart.

You do not want plaster above the waterline. Find tile and coping that YOU like and install it. Stop letting the PB dictate the design finishes. It’s YOUR pool, not his pool.

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Correction, the only time the wet edge will be exposed is when the hot tub is active, when the pool is active it will circulate about the edge.
I have a hard time thinking this is right. The purpose of water tile is just that. Be the section of the pool that the water line is targeted. I do not think it is good idea to have plaster exposed even if it would be for certain modes. I would call Wet Edge directly and seek their advise. If it has sun damage after a year or 2 you will have to deal with and not the PB.

just FYI my spillover runs continuously because that is the way it was plumbed. I do not have a way to isolate it other than dig up my yard to find where the pool return branches to the single spa return. If you can ensure with the builder you have a bypass or a valve it would be good to have control.
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