Opinions about screened enclosures over pools

We love our screened in pool. We never have leaves and grass in the pool. It keeps out most of the insects, like snakes, rats, birds etc. We here have lots of mosquitoes and having a screen keeps out most of them. It cuts down on the UV light which in turn less sunburn. I used to have a pool without a screen and I spent a lot of time cleaning it to the point that I hated swimming pools and hated people that liked them. Now I love swimming pools:cheers:
Trust me you will love your screen enclosure. Just my opinion:D
I'd say all of the above + your pool filter is a dream to manage, your FC demand should be less than expected, if your water gets too hot in the summer the screen will prevent that.

The downside is you may want a place outside the screen for people that want strong sun tanning, you might want an additional source of heat like solar to keep the pool warmer.

When I bought a house with a pool I wouldn't even look at that home if the pool was not screened, I had no desire to try to keep an exposed body of water clean, nor would I want to spend much time outside on a patio with the FL bugs...
Welcome to the forum:wave:

Two things to understand about screened pools. They should never be placed in weather that produces snow or even freezing rain.......they will come down.

Secondly, you will need a heater for your pool.......the screens will block too much natural heating.
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