oops - used low splash


Gold Supporter
Feb 7, 2017
Tulsa, OK
I accidentally put two 128 oz bottles of low splash bleach in my pool. I noticed because it was making some bubbles at the waterfall, which is not normal.

I already went and got some regular bleach. Should I just carry on and not worry about it or do I need to do anything.

Yes, this too shall pass. Though someone may have mentioned something one time that makes it subside quicker.

There’s nothing you really want to add to the pool to make it go away quicker. The thickeners will breakdown slowly over time. Just bite the bullet and enjoy the bubbles...next time try scented bleach, better than bubbles and everyone loves a pool with the fragrant lemony freshness....:laughblue:
I ran out of my regular bleach last month, so I snuck into the laundry room to ahem, "borrow" some pricey Clorox. I apparently put too much focus on stealthiness and not enough on reading the label that said, "Cloromax Technology". Just one regular dose resulted in bubbles. They're gone now, but I learned my lesson!
So as far as I can dig up on the “interwebz” about CloroMax is that it is some kind of polymer chemical that is supposed to leave behind a “protective barrier” to “repel dirt” and make it easier for the chlorine bleach to keep whites cleaner longer....

So, while probably not something you want in your pool water, it likely breaks down quickly without much adverse effects. I’m sure your pool water is fine.
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