**NOW THE END TO ALGAE :)***vacuum to waste

Invest in the good test kit. You are chasing your tail without it.

Your pool hold 3750 gallons
Plug the numbers into the Pool Calculator/

If your test kit doesnt do Cyanuric Acid, carry a sample to a pool store which will often do it for free, along with all the other tests.
Plug those numbers into the Pool Calculator.

Go to the bottom of the Pool Calculator and set your pool surface to "vinyl' and your CL source to bleach. Click on "calculate" button.

Buy your cyanuric acid [CYA, labeled as conditioner] at Lowes {and muriatic acid if needed}, and buy your bleach, baking soda and borax at the grocery store.

Once you have your good test kit, the process of shocking the pool will be possible.
Sit back, relax. Have a brew (if you drink).

Many people get the "overload" when they are trying to learn this way of clearing and keeping their pools.

Yes, we are here to help you, so ask away. The only way you will get the finer points is to ask.

Go with your first instinct since you have read pool school multiple times. If it is still unclear, ask.

Where labels are concerned, go with the ingredients not the marketing hype.

While it is true that you can't give some of the test readings needed to help, most of us know you are doing your best with what you have.

Realizing you have a fairly small pool, it is still a pool. For next season, consider upgrading your pump and filter to at least the 1500 gph pump and filter set if you can. Better might be one of the smaller sand filters. It is well known that the pumps supplied with the Intex/Summer Escapes pools are grossly undersized in both water movement and filtering capacity. There is a reason a lot of the larger Ultra Frame folks have opted for regular (to me, high $$) pool pumps and filters over the Intex (Krystal Klear etc) pump & filter sets. Our pools just aren't large enough to warrant that kind of expense.

Yes, with an undersized filter set, it will take longer to clear your pool, but it can be done.

Some of us have had to learn P.O.P.P. (Pool Owner Patience and Persistence) the hard way (like me!!!). That should also be practiced by those of us willing to help. We know that some can't afford to just go out and buy what is needed, especially when there are younger children involved. Priorities have to be set, and family needs come first. So what if the pool stays green a little longer? It will clear. It just takes a bit of time, that's all.

Next season you will know what needs to be done to prevent a green pool that will be refreshing and relaxing to swim in, and be a snap to maintain. You will have the knowledge and items needed.
thank you SOOOOO MUCH to Charlie_R and ob1quixote !!! :) :) now this is encouraging!! I was just telling my husband that I think I will be sticking to the BBB method for now on. and for the test kit, i am wondering if i could just start off cheap by just getting the single FC test. i have the OTO 3way that i use daily and have finally learned to match colors right. and like i said earlier, i was doing great until the vacation! but i do understand that a pool is a pool and that i will have to eventually get a good kit sooner than later, which i will order next week. I do have a 3lb. bottle of Aquachem cya stabilizer that i was using before the vacation. as for the algae....i think i learned a lot about how to get it gone. tonight, i only had to vacuum for maybe 3 minutes. this algae problem has seemed to consume my life for the past 5 days now. but at least i have a good routine down of daily intervals that involve bleach, brushing, vacuuming, and cleaning the cartridge before and after each cleaning session..lol!! and the pump system will most definitely be upgraded next season!! And as far as the knowledge of gallons the pool holds...i was just reading the manual that came with the pool. i kinda been averaging some where around the 4000 gal mark give or take. im hoping that when i do get the Unicel filter cartridge with the 86 pleat count, it will help out a lil better than what i have now. but even with that, im still not sure if im doing the right thing. but i guess its better than nothing! trial and error.....we shall see! thanks a bunch for the great advice...and hopefully yall are right about knowing more for next season!! :-D :cheers:
Experts may correct me on this, but maybe you can buy the test kit piecemeal.

You already have the pH part with the small kit you have.

Check the list on the left here. If I had to do it like this, I'd buy the FAS-DPD reagents and cylinder first, then add the CYA test goodies, with the rest coming later.

You could build your kit slowly this way. It might not hurt the budget as bad.

I'd bet they would even sell the case to put it in if you asked nicely.
Again, thanks for the great advice!!! Now I know for sure I will be going cheap for awhile due to our budget took a big nose dive since my last post @ 12:30am this morning. :( ....I am typing this post as I have just returned home from the ER!! As I was typing my last post, my kids came running to me screaming that their gerbil cage was knocked over and no gerbils in sight! Yes...those rugrats ( and I mean my kids, not the gerbils ) were still awake running a muck having a summer sleep over that late :shock: !!! Anywho, the gerbils were on the loose and the cats were joining the fun...as I was running to help, there the cat was with the rat! My husband grabbed the rat and I swooped up the cat....but the wrong way! And the rest is history....I was bit by the cat on my arm. I cleaned the bite, wrapped it up, and then.....not but 2 hours later I was laying in a hospital bed with unbelievable pain in my arm and not being able to move it. Wow...never would have thought a cat bite was so painful, and actually serious. Hours upon hours went by, trying to get back home before my hubby left at 4 am to go offshore, and then finally at 630am, the doctor says he would really like me to stay for observation!!! Well, I told him I had to get home because my hubby was leaving and I had a pool to get back to because I spent sooo much time in it the past few days defeating the green swamp. And I was not giving up now only to let it get green again!!!! No way!!! He thought I was crazy! And then it hit me....I have gone CRAZY with all of this pool research and brain overloading...I put my shoes on, put my damaged arm in a sling, and came home. And to do what??? More research...uuuugggghhh! Oh yeah, and the point of this LONG non-related pool story.....within one day, my hubby visits the neurologist, daughter visits pediatrician and lab, and I visit the ER! I think I am going el cheapo the rest of the summer on the pool and just swing it and learn!!!! :party: THE END :sleep:
P.S. I walk out to the pool and MAGIC...no green algae...woohoo!!!! I DID IT!!!! ...
Now, since you have no way of watching your chlorine loss overnight, nor checking CC, you will need to keep shocking for an additional couple of days. Yes, even after the pool looks clear. Otherwise you risk a recurrence of the algae bloom that started this whole mess.

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Charlie_R said:
How's the arm? feeling better I hope!

pH looks ok, but you do need to bring that cl up more for another day or two.

VERY long day!! Thanks for asking...I thought I was doing better so I messed with the pool some and added some more chlorine, but now my arm is looking more red and maybe a slight red streak to it :( I think my pool is probably doing better than I am at this point! I will try to get out tomorrow and bring a sample in to the pool store just to get results, not advice ( I did learn that from Pool School :) ...we will see!
ob1quixote said:
I couldnt afford the high dollar {and fine quality} test kit suggested here, so I went with this.

http://www.lesliespool.com/Home/Pool-Ch ... 18547.html

Doesnt test CYA, so I get the pool store to do a freebie test once a month. I try to buy some pool toys while I'm there! No chemicals! $25, tests most everything except CYA, starting my 3rd year with it.

This is NOT the correct kit or test. You need the FAS_DPD kit. It is the test that include a small blue scoop. It is $26 as a stand alone test.

Like this: http://tftestkits.net/FAS-DPD-Chlorine-CC-s-test-p47.html

techguy said:
ob1quixote said:
I couldnt afford the high dollar {and fine quality} test kit suggested here, so I went with this.

http://www.lesliespool.com/Home/Pool-Ch ... 18547.html

Doesnt test CYA, so I get the pool store to do a freebie test once a month. I try to buy some pool toys while I'm there! No chemicals! $25, tests most everything except CYA, starting my 3rd year with it.

This is NOT the correct kit or test. You need the FAS_DPD kit. It is the test that include a small blue scoop. It is $26 as a stand alone test.

Like this: http://tftestkits.net/FAS-DPD-Chlorine-CC-s-test-p47.html


Please explain what is wrong with this kit. It tests TC FC and CC, PH, TA, Acid Demand {never did that one}. My pool is clean and clear.
The DPD test shown only has a range on the Chlorine tests of 0.5 to 5ppm and you will frequently be measuring outside of this range. The lowest "Shock" level in the PoolSchool chart is 10 PPM and 20-30 PPM are not uncommon.

The FAS-DPD has a range from 0.5 to 50.0 PPM.

Kit contains test for free, combined, and total chlorine (0.5 to 5ppm), total bromine (1 to 10ppm), pH (6.8 to 8.2) with acid demand, and total alkalinity.
Dilute the pool sample 50% with distilled water and double the test results, doubling the range?
Dilute the 50% sample again by 50% and quadruple the test results?

Kit tests fine. Get a freebie CYA test once a month at the pool store.

$25 for a single test kit, or $25 and get an array of testing options?

Sorry, far from a wrong test kit.
If she can't afford the TF-100 or the K-2006 yet, what she has will do fine within it's own limits for now. Those limits are well known, and can be worked around if needed, with the resulting loss of accuracy (thanks, ob1quixote!).

When she can, I have no doubt that the proper kit will be ordered.
Charlie, I agree with what you say. I limped along with the 6-way kit from Wal_Mart. In this case, they bought another kit that has the same range and limitations. I suggested something that was in the same price range but met the requirements.

I am sorry if anyone took offence. I was attempting to be helpful and allow them to return it (before opening it) and order the correct one. Leslies does sell the FAS_DPD at their commercial stores, but you need a commercial account to shop there.

Well.....first of all the only test kit I currently have is the HTH OTO 3-way kit. I understand its not the greatest. I have been reading everyone's posts and learning a lot with ya'll personal experience and also googling many options on kits and chemicals. :goodjob:

Charlie_R: Thank you for advice. You seem to be very kind and understanding and helpful!! And again thanks for your concern of my kitty mishap! :twisted: I like to hear from people who are not so pushy and "know-it-alls" :-D

ob1quixote: I also appreciate your concern and advice. I agree with your idea of cheap will be ok for a few more days! you are just trying to help! :-D

techguy: Thanks to u as well! I like how everyone has a different view on the kits. There are so many different options out there, but yet not so many good options that cover everything!! I went to Lowe's and looked at their test kits, but all I saw that covered everything (even CYA), was test strips. Not really wanting that.

***So....now I am undecided which test to order tomorrow. I cant go any longer without knowing EVERY level. I may not need every test, but its driving me nuts not knowing my levels and what to do and add in my pool!! Especially, now that my algae has returned :( :cry: I am also sticking with the BBB method! I got so frustrated going back and forth reading and rereading pages in POOL SCHOOL, that I took a blank notebook out and started organizing everything. So now I have what I need to know right there all of the time. I have even been writing down times and dates of what I did to the pool and the levels. I have a bit of "Pool OCD" now!! :lol: But it finally is starting to make some sense now at least!! so thanks to everyone and please keep posting!! I love to hear every bit of ideas and tips ya'll have!!!!!!
Since you will be ordering tomorrow, the TF-100 gives the best value. Had I known about it before I bought my K-2006, that would have been my choice.

See? I told you that you would start to change your thinking of your pool. Now that it is making sense, you can see just how easy and fun owning that relaxation aid can be.

Edit: A comment about knowledge....

On another forum I frequent, there is a sig line from one of their experts:

What I know about pools could fill a couple of books. what I DON'T know could fill libraries.

For me, what I know MIGHT fill a small pamphlet.....

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