no chlorine or ph registering no matter how much I add and pool is cloudy

Jun 25, 2012
After a heavy rain, I had some algae. Added shock, algae remover, brushed down pool and vacuumed. Pool cleared, but when I tested the water, I had no ph and no chlorine registering. Took it to the pool store: had me add more shock, alkalinity, and ph rise. Did so. No results, except the pool was turning cloudy. Took it to another pool store. Had me add floc. Did this according to directions, vacuumed to waste, even though it did not seem to be performing. Added Chlorine (4 lbs shock) and ph rise as directed by pool store person. Pool is cloudier; still no chlorine or ph although alkalinity appears ok according to pool person. Tried another pool store and pool remains cloudy. Said to add 6 shock and ph rise. Did so. No impact whatsoever.
Welcome back --

Six years ago you were encouraged to get your own proper test kit and get away from the pool store. Appears that did not happen.

It is not possible to have "no pH".

Same story - you need your own proper test kit.
Order a TF100 test kit
The only other real option for a test kit is a Taylor K-2006-C. Be careful comparing prices because the K-2006 comes in sizes, designated by a letter. The basic K-2006 has .75oz bottles. You need to get the K-2006-C to get the larger bottles that you want.
I also have the SpeedStir. It makes testing much easier.

Once you get your kit post up your test results.
WOW! That's a lot of (unnecessary) stuff you've put in your water. Ouch $.

I looked over your past posts and you've had this same problem for a few years. Did you ever get around to getting the test kit we recommend?? Sure would save you a ton of greenback, and more reliable testing can help you avoid green algae too!

I'd suggest a re-fresher in Pool School on which chemicals we use and for what purposes. And which ones we don't. For example, I'm not sure what you mean by "algae remover" but if its algaecide, it won't do a thing for the algae you already have in the pool. It doesn't kill algae, it only works to help prevent it.

Start here--> Pool School - Recommended Pool Chemicals

...and here too...--> Pool School - Non-Recommended Pool Chemicals

Time to review the SLAM Process too!

Maddie :flower:

Once again Marty's speed typing beat me to the punch! LOL
I like that the last post written to you in 2012 was, "We're here when you get tired of the pool store."

We are here, we are very ready to help. The question is, are you tired of the pool store yet? Trying to mix advice from us and other sources will only cloud everything. So if you are serious about taking control of your pool and cutting out all of the other advice you're being given, we are here.
So that kit is not sufficient. It does not measure CYA (how did you come up with "below 100"?) and TC to 5 ppm.

Order a proper test kit as I described above.

Add 1 bottle of 6% bleach, plain, no scent, not splashless, no fabric protection, each evening until you get your test kit. Then post up a full set of test results.

Take care.

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Wow Bravo to the TFP guys are The most patient moderators online dealing w/ these posts where they ask questions, get solutions and then just decide to ignore it and ask the same thing again! You are nicer then I could be ;)
1004 I believe


Last year I started following the recommendations of TFP experts after a serious black algae outbreak in my pool. I tried pool store recommendations but the algae, which was never accurately identified by the PS, continued showing up on the walls of the pool. That’s when I went to the internet to look for help. Found out what the problem was and the real way to solve it from this forum. That was it for me spending $100 or more per visit to the pool store.

Like anything else sometimes it takes time to know for sure something is working. You gave the pool store(s) many it’s time to give TFP a chance! Good luck, be patient, follow instructions exactly and let us know how things are going often!!!
I did not keep the box to the kit so I don't know which test kit it is. It had a test for cya so I did it. I don't appreciate jmbuys comment. I have done what you have suggested and will continue to. I have not ignored anything. I don't understand why ignorance (which means not knowing something) is to be derided.
Six years ago you were encouraged to get your own proper test kit and get away from the pool store. Appears that did not happen.

That sounds like a preamble to sentencing.

I’m picturing you behind the bench ready to drop the gavel.. & I laughed like crazy when I read it..
It had a test for cya so I did it. I don't appreciate jmbuys comment.

I don't think jmbuys was intentionally trying to be harsh on you. But it does not seem that you have fully embraced TFP methodology yet. TFP does not work without a good test kit nor does it work if you throw in pool store methodology. Nearly everyone who posts on this site are willing to go above and beyond the call of duty to help people manage their own pools. Please don't get discouraged. If you want a clear pool there are very specific steps you have to follow. Step #1 is to get a "good" test kit.
In the end, only you can decide how to maintain your pool.

While most are willing to help out on here, you have to respect that this site advocates a specific process.

If you don't want to follow that process, that's totally fine, but in that case there are probably better forums to post on that provide more generic help.
Unfortunately we are not here to tack on to pool store advice. If their advice was any good your pool would already be clear after they sold you half a dozen items.

You tried one, they charged you, green pool.
You tried another, they charged you, green pool.
You tried a third, they charged you, green pool.

At some point the pattern should be obvious. We don't play those games. However, we do require accurate testing data to base our advice on and that data has to come from a TF-100 or k-2006. Period. We aren't going to make guesses, it's a waste of our time and your money. Unlike pool stores we don't like when you waste your money.

It's totally up to you where you go from here. We have a system that works and countless threads detailing swamps that were cleared and kept that way. If getting a proper test kit is a bridge too far though, we can only wish you well and hope that you find what you are looking for.

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