No Chlorine On Testing

Jan 1, 2017
Hi everyone, hope you are all well.
I have a little problem, my pool has been chugging along great, no probs at all. We went away for a few days I dosed up the pool before I left, now I am getting no chlorine levels when testing! Theres no algae, the water is crystal clear and all other levels are good. I have been putting in chlorine at the dose I was using before but Im not sure whats going on. Any ideas?
You have something brewing. Good catch this early in the game. Here is what I want you to do. Test everything and post the results here. THEN does your pool to SLAM/Shock level using this chart Pool School - Chlorine / CYA Chart. Wait 30 mins and retest the FC and let us know what happens. Make a note of the weather conditions-temp and sun.

You might need to do a SLAM as seen here: Pool School - SLAM - Shock Level And Maintain

Make sure to brush your pool good to get everything up and out for the FC to get to.

Ive just been experimenting, I went and got some of my chlorine and poured some into a jar with some water and tested that and it should have gone of the chart but showed nothing so I'm suspecting my tester has gone out of date or the chlorine is no good. Im going to take a sample to my hardware tomorrow and check it there
My levels
CC 0
PH 7.2
TA 125
CYA 80
How old is the chlorine and where do you store it?

How old is your test kit or FC regents?

Good job on doing the experimenting. That will save you some time and effort once you figure out which one is "bad".

My guess is the chlorine..........we had one person buy several bottles of "water" labeled as bleach :roll: Once they checked the date code they saw it was 1.5 yrs old...........nothing but water at that point. She was able to return them and get her money back BUT did have to prove her claim.

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