New to TFP but not to pools!


New member
Jun 27, 2019
Northern Illinois
Hi all,
Someone in one of the customer comment sections of Amazon recommended TFP. Sadly, our rainy, cold and generally unpoollike Illinois non-summer has made the expense of pool maintenance something I can't justify so I'm diving in (literally and figuratively) to taking care of it myself. I recall how my dad took care of the aboveground pools we had when I was a kid and he was fastidious about it so I've got a good place to start. The guy who opens my pool had been tending it to get it into shape so it's tuned up and just needs maintaining. Any tips or hints to keep things shipshape would be much appreciated! Thank you in advance! (It's an 18 foot round aboveground pool, I've had it for two seasons, this will be the third).
We base our pool care system on accurate testing and only adding what the pool needs, when it needs it. To do that you need your own accurate test kit. Order a

Please don't go to the pool store for a test kit. To effectively practice the TFPC methods, the FAS/DPD chlorine test is essential. The TF-100 Test Kit ™ has this test while very few other kits do. The kits sold at the pool store generally won't won't cut it, but be careful pool store employees are known to say “it's the same thing”. Generally it's not!

While entirely optional, I also have the SpeedStir and Sample Sizer. They speed testing and accuracy.

How much Pool School have you read? Start with these:

So, welcome to TFP!!
Up here in Michigan isn't any better weatherwise! I do believe though summer has finally started here. 87 degrees and sunny all day today! Great day out in the pool. So what if the lawn needed to be mowed! Read all you can and then read it again. Get a good test kit ( TF100 is my choice along with the Speedstir) and test your own water. This site taught me and can most certainly get you on your way to being a pool whiz! Welcome, JaneTudor!