New to owning a real pool


Aug 5, 2020
Greenwood IN
I recently purchased a home with a whopper of a pool. The only real "pool" experience I have had was a cheap above ground pool from years ago that we just put chlorine in the floater and "that was that". Fast forward to current day, and I now own a 20'x48' vinyl lined pool. Still trying to get my chemicals in line, due to neglect from previous home owner (more on that in my other forum post). Long story short is ez-pool chemicals are NOT to be used...

The pool needs some work, which we knew coming into it. What I didnt know was exactly what I was getting into. We were told that it was an in-ground pool, but now I am not so sure. There is wood decking all around the pool which makes me think it is a mostly buried (like all but 6-8 inches worth) of an above ground pool. The thing is, I can't honestly tell! I need to replace the deck, and would like to go concrete, just not sure if that is feasible. I am having a hard time getting any pool experts out to actually look at the pool, as all are currently busy and not taking any work on until like 3-4 months from now. One local pool company told me that if it was an inground pool, it would have to have concrete around it. I cut some of the more rotten boards away, and dont see / feel any concrete (using a glorified stick and poking around). Another company told me that since the pool is ~35 years old, and with the shape/size of it that it HAD to be an in ground.

I am SO confused! Anyone have any thoughts?


For all intensive purposes, I think you can refer to that as an inground vinyl pool. Once a pool is set, the decking around the pool is a personal choice. So in the past someone decided to go with decking. In a way it has some practical advantages, the most being access to the pool exterior walls and plumbing. Once you install a concrete decking, you're stuck unless you cut it out. Looks nice though.

Before too long, you'll be preparing for closing, so I would focus on a couple things right now before the weather drops-in on you:
1. Review our ABCs of Pool Water Chemistry and make sure you have a TF-100 (kink in my signature) or Taylor K-2006C test kit. That is a MUST.
2. Review the closing procedures below. Many people close their own pool both for cost savings and quality of the process itself.

See those Vital Links in my sig as well. Read and save them. Update your sig as well. If you have questions, just ask. Lots of folks here to help.

Not too sure that I will be closing it myself yet. Of course the old adage, the only way to know it is done correctly is to do it yourself. However at this point, I feel like it will only let me figure out what else I dont know about pools and screw something else up.

I do have a TF-100 with a speed stir. The pool had a HIGH! CYA level to begin with, and we are working our way through pumping and exchanging with fresh from the hose. That process has been going on for about a week (stopping it at night for safety reasons). Once we get the CYA down to between 30-40 we are going to adjust PH, and TA, SLAM it and then OCLT it.

I tried to fill out sig with the pertinent details, can you help with what I might be missing? Or should I be putting model numbers (if I can find them)?
