New St. Louis Pool * water August 1st!

Inigo Montoya said:
The water hauling was fantastic, filled it fast and they charged me roughly what my water bill would have been.

Our landscaping is finished tomorrow, so I'll update with a bunch of pictures. Unfortunately I am coming here for some advice.

We received a huge and unexpected final invoice that I am contesting at least half of, as well they gave us a Rheem heat cool pump instead of the contract Pentair. Any advice on which unit is better? I'll look up the Rheem unit number they gave us. The Pentair is a 120 R H/C UltraTemp. Also any advice for fighting numbers that were never given or agreed to is appreciated.
What is up with PBs switching out products/equipment? This seems crazy to me but there are multiple stories on here that say just this.

To me it is simple. If you the contract says you wanted a Pentair and paid for a Pentair, then you get the Pentair.
sometimes it is not the pool builder as much as supply house where equipment comes from. In some cases it can take up to two weeks to get certain items from the manufacturer. If my supplier does not have the item on hand when I need it I ok the change with the homeowner.
swimcmp said:
sometimes it is not the pool builder as much as supply house where equipment comes from. In some cases it can take up to two weeks to get certain items from the manufacturer. If my supplier does not have the item on hand when I need it I ok the change with the homeowner.
Without their permission?
I think that any brand is going to have different issues under different circumstances. As a heater is a luxury... it might be hard to find reviews/opinions.

I'm just more concerned with pricing. If you paid for X and they gave you Y without your permission... then I see that not only as a breach of contract but a breach of trust. As it appears... you were going with Pentair - Intelliflow pump, Intellichlor (as it seems from the pictures) and then a UT120. Are you planning to automate any time??? If so, this may be a problem due to different brands. How about warranties on each unit?

Who knows, maybe you got something better than what you paid for.

Like I said, I'd be upset about swapping without letting me know.
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