New Safety Cover - small rip


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2010
Oakville, Canada
I recently received a new safety cover from GLI for our pool. A couple of days ago we installed the cover and while we were folding it out across the pool I noticed a small rip inside one of the 3x3 panels.


After the install completed, I did a thorough check and it looks like that is the only issue with the cover.

What is the recommended approach I should take here given it's so small? Should I call my supplier or GLI? Should I just fix it myself with a repair kit?

I'm in Canada so there will be snow sitting on the cover over the winter period.
Re: New Safety Cover - samll rip

If the cover was meant to be water tight, then clearly the rip is not good.

I would think you should be contacting GLI and see what they would suggest ... or demand a new one. Up to you.
My cover which was here when I bought my house, has about 10/15 quarter size holes in it from the previous owners using a fire pit to close to the pool.
Last winter it held fine and they did not get any bigger, and my cover has snow on it quite a bit.
If it was me, and I paid for a new cover, I would want it replaced/repaired
Disappointing to see the hole. Will be interesting to see their approach. If I know it wouldn't rip, I'd be fine with it. I actually don't expect it will. The material is tough and the load placed on the cover is quite even from snow. However, where the rubber meets the road is safety. If someone were to walk on it and place their heel just so, would it rip then?

Our mesh safety cover doesn't have any holes in it after 5 seasons so I can't provide any stories about how well the hold up with holes personally, though you do have a data point above on that.
Ok, I just received some information from the pool store where I bought the cover. They have offered the following options:

1) Free patch kit for me to fix the hole
2) Option to send the cover back to GLI for repair, but I have to pay $150 shipping

To be honest, neither option seems fair at this point. I've spent around $3000 for a new cover that arrived with a hole and my only options are to fix it myself or get a new one by paying an additional $150.

Personally, I feel the only viable options are:

-Free replacement cover
-Free fix for the 3x3 panel with the hole
-A refund of some amount on my purchase

Just seeing if anyone here thinks I'm being unreasonable and if my options make more sense then what I'm currently being offered by the company.
At this point I would just take the patch kit and move on. Not worth fighting over.
I think replacing the whole 3x3 panel is a good solution. Good customer service would have offered it to begin with (imo). I would call the pool store and politely tell the manager that it's not acceptable for you to pay anything to fix it and that you expect the panel be replaced. If they refuse, call your credit card company (if you paid with a card) and dispute it and they will fight for a fair resolution for you. The pool store should be fighting for you. If you wanted to be left in the dust on your own you could have bypassed the pool company and purchased online yourself. That being said, as a kid I had a friend who would throw his cigarette butts out his window and guess what they burned? The safety cover. The rip/burn holes never expanded beyond the initial burn so you'll be okay with a patch if needed. But, the pool company should be coming over to patch it for you. I'd be fine with that if they offered it.
I'll start with stating that I'm a very practical person.

If a patch kit fixes the issue, which practically speaking I think it does (certainly seems to be below the level where, which a patch, the structural integrity is compromised), then what is the remaining problem? Appearance? You feel you've been wronged? I try to take the emotional side out of such situations, meaning situations where there is not a functionality concern, but only a sense of being let down, or a minor blemish. I expect to be in the minority on this one but I've seldom to never been hurt by taking that approach. It also lets my blood pressure run lower.

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I think, as in many cases, it is the pool store's response that has annoyed you. It would annoy me as well. Did the pool store do the cover installation? If so, they are most likely on the hook for the entire cost of the repair. Can they replace just one panel? If so, that is one solution, but I know my cover came with a repair kit for making minor repairs like this. This is probably purely an aesthetics issue. At the minimum I would ask the pool store to come out and do the repair and give you a written guarantee that they warranty the repair against failure. And one final thought, have you gone directly to the manufacturer and see what they say?
Good news. I heard back from the pool company today and they've agreed to take care of the shipping. Once spring comes I'll clean it, wrap it in it's storage bag, and give it to them to ship back to GLI for repair. At the end of the day, they've handled this in an appropriate manner and that's all I can ask for at this point.
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