New pool to me - trying to figure capacity


Jun 29, 2017
Mooresville NC
I just bought a house that has a liner pool with a kidney type shape but the edges are all straight rather than rounded. Diagram attached. I have it figured at about 28000 gallons. The dotted line indicates a severe drop off from the 3 foot end about 1/3 of the pool to the deep end which goes as deep as 8 feet in a fairly small area. I used 7 feet for the average deep end. Drawing is very close to scale. Each square is a square foot. Thanks for any help you can provide.
pool diagram.jpg
Re: New pool to me - trying to figure capacity- and a followup question

based on your measurements and the depths I get 28,837 gallons, your math is correct.

Thank you and a followup.

The timer on the pool is set to go on at 5:30am and turn off at 8:30pm. I am thinking (hoping) this is too long and I can reduce the time, but I do not know how to calculate the flow rate for my equipment. Any help would be appreciated.

Here is what I have regarding pump and filter info:
1.5 inch pipes where they are exposed near the filter.
Single main drain
Single wall skimmer
4 wall returns

Images of filter and pump specs:
Pool pump.jpg

Pool filter.jpg

Welcome to TFP.. A Great resource for all "new to me.." pool owners.. :drown:

You are making things harder than they need to be... :p

Read this..... Pool School - Determine Pump Run Time

You generally run a pump for three reasons:

1. To keep surface debris moving and being pushed into the skimmers. The more debris the more often you need to run the pump.

2. If you have a Salt Water Chlorine Generator (SWCG) you'll need to run it long enough to generate the amount of chlorine needed.

3. To circulate the water to ensure the chlorine is effectively distributed throughout the pool. Two or three hours per day is all that is needed for this to happen in most pools.

You are currently running 15 hours per day. I recommend you reduce your run time to 6 hours and see how this look. Then adjust from there based upon the above info..

Thanks for posting,

Jim R.
Thanks for the replies. I had my last pool for 10 years. A gunnite pool with auto chlorine feeder and a polaris to do the vacuuming. Tested the water once or twice a week, brushed the walls regularly and had about 4 months of trouble free service per year for 10 years with what was very little maintenance. I was told by the installer if that pool that one turnover of water was necessary everyday to keep the water clean. Of course running it longer could not hurt. That just ran up my electric bill. I will reduce it down to 6 hours for this pool and see how that goes for a week. Then tinker with it to get a to a happy place.
Thanks for the replies. I had my last pool for 10 years. A gunnite pool with auto chlorine feeder and a polaris to do the vacuuming. Tested the water once or twice a week, brushed the walls regularly and had about 4 months of trouble free service per year for 10 years with what was very little maintenance. I was told by the installer if that pool that one turnover of water was necessary everyday to keep the water clean. Of course running it longer could not hurt. That just ran up my electric bill. I will reduce it down to 6 hours for this pool and see how that goes for a week. Then tinker with it to get a to a happy place.

Regarding the bold part: you just found out that isn't true. :) All it does is increase your electric bill and maybe suck a few extra leaves into the skimmers.

Go read this post. In fact I'll quote the important part here:
Even if there were 100% removal for passing through the filter in this situation, it still takes multiple turnovers since one turnover only filters 63% of the water, two turnovers filters 86%, three turnovers filters 95%, four turnovers filters 98%, five turnovers filters 99%, and it takes almost 7 turnovers to filter 99.9%. And this all assumed perfect mixing and circulation while in reality actual numbers are lower.

Honestly I'm not sure where chem_geek got those numbers but even in my short time here, I've realized that his posts are generally well-researched and correct. I'm sure he has actual data backing it up somewhere.
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