New pool owner

Welcome to the forum .

Our methods are all about the owner maintaining the pool. Please read "The "ABC's of Pool Water Chemistry" up in Pool School..........that's give you a good place to start. Plan on getting one of the suggested test kits. Everything we do begins and ends with good accurate testing from you. Stay out of the pool store!
Maintaining a pool is much easier than you probably think, and cheaper too using the tfp method. Visit our Pool School page and start learning how we do it. If you have any questions come back here and post them. Folks here are very eager to help!

And if you don't already have one, order one of the recommended test kits right away. You will absolutely need that.
Welcome to the forum! We were new pool owners in December. I spent a ton of time here learning as much as I could about pools before we moved into the house.

Spend some time reading the articles here

I spend about 10 minutes a week maintaining my pool and 8 of that is testing the water. If you keep your water properly balanced at TFP recommended levels, maintaining a pool is SUPER easy.