New Pool in the blazing sun


New member
Apr 20, 2022
Glendale, AZ
I live in the Metro Phoenix area and had a new in-ground pool built 3 years ago. I'm still pretty new to pool care and leaned on the big pool store to guide me...plenty of tri-chlor shock and tablets until after only 3 years my pool was over the limit on CYA and Calcium, even low copper which I have no idea how that got in there. I just drained my pool, did a quick chlorine wash and I am ready to refill and hopefully start doing things the TFP way.
Do you have a whole house water softener. If not you should get one and tie the pool auto fill into it. AZ water is terribly high in calcium hardness. If you don’t do something about it, you’ll be draining the pool again in 3 years.