New Pool Fill, New Religion (TFPC), First TF-100 Readings, What Next?


Bronze Supporter
Jun 1, 2016
Gilbert, AZ
Although I have been a lurker in these forums for a number of years…I have never followed the TFP method for balancing for my pool. My pool tile line was suffering and I was needing more chlorine tablets…last week my pool store numbers included CYA 200+ and Calcium 800+. I have a new religion, so I:

  1. read through 80% of the relevant pool school sections (no, I don’t remember it all)
  2. ordered my TF-100 Test Kit…I received it today and tested for first time
  3. drained and refilled my pool
  4. added about 56 dry oz of CYA before I received the test kit (calculator recommended 72) and have been adding liquid chlorine to keep the chlorine readings above 3

But now I have my “REAL” numbers and am trying to figure out what next:

Ph 8
FC 3.5
CC .5
CH 200
TA 140
CYA 35

I definitely have to work on the PH (add acid). Should I lower the TA a bit using acid+aeration? I am leery about adding calcium because we have such hard water in AZ and I suspect that it will be up by the end of the summer significantly just due to evaporation/auto-refill. I plan on using liquid chlorine from here on out except occasional tablet use when travelling.

Any advice? My pool stats are in my signature…one question in particular, are pebbletech pools considered the same as plaster pools for calculations?
I would not worry about the TA. Just focus getting the CYA where you want it (50ppm or so?), keeping the FC above the minimum for your CYA, and keeping the pH in the 7s.

Agree I would not want to add CH either, the higher TA, and if you keep the pH in the upper 7s, your CSI should be fine and not cause issues with your pool surface.

Yes use the plaster setting.
Question about CYA sunlight or shade? I added about 10oz of CYA last night and under my patio today I got a reading of between 50-60. In sunlight I get a reading of between 40-50. The sunlight for the reading on the dot/surrounding white makes a difference.

Added some acid and PH is right around 7.7
Chlorine is up to about 7-8 (simple test)

I'll start monitoring/tracking (at least for a while) my additions to keep the pool at around these levels
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