New pool build

CC is in Danger level. You need to start a SLAM - Shock Level and Maintain.

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Your pH level is great for a SLAM. And the lower CYA level is also great for a SLAM

For 25 CYA, round UP to 30. You will need quite a bit of Liquid Chlorine. You need to SLAM until you meet the three criteria

1. Pool is clear, no visible Algae
2. Pass OCLT (Overnight Chlorine Loss Test)
3. CC less than 0.5

If the only thing is #3, the SLAM is very quick.
Shocking was the method for clearing CC. SLAM just takes it a bit further so that you assure the pool is algae and bacteria free and TFP "clear"

I expect it will be OK, twice a day.
Get the level up as soon as possible. Then check it again after the sun is down and bring the level back up to SLAM level. Check it again an hour later just to make sure. Then check before sun hits the pool in the morning.

Do not worry about pH. Just FC & CC.
OH, and run the pump 24 hours a day until all three pass. Again, if the CC is the only issue, I expect you'll be fine by tomorrow morning.
SLAMming the pool is not a "regular" thing. Once you're done, you just maintain the FC numbers on the CYA/FC chart and your pool should stay crystal clear. The time people SLAM is generally when they've been away and the neighbor forgot to add chlorine, or the Salt Water chlorine Generator breaks, etc. At the FC levels we run, CC generally doesn't become an issue.
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