New Pool Build in Miami

Saturday, one decking guy actually came out and began to work on the deck behind the raised wall. I was curious how they would handle this part.

Building the "back of the decking wall"

The deck is going to be stepped up in line with the height of the wall.

He didn't get futher than this as it started pouring (AGAIN!) :brickwall:

Pool water is getting higher! Just the wrong kind!!!
I'm back to give an update on the deck behind the raised wall. It did not go as smoothly as the rest of the build. I'm not even sure how I feel about it as it is not completely resolved yet.

We are experiencing lots of rain each day and building this area was difficult as a result.
Here are some photos...

The entire section is walled in with concrete blocks and filled with compacted limestone. The steps and risers are concreted together.

This is the completed decking area -- a bird's eye view.

A couple concerns you can see in this photo -- the pool tile wraps partially around and stops. This looks funny to me.
If you look at the middle riser, there is a change in depth between the pool tile and the where the decking tile is placed.

From this angle, you can see the large overhang of the middle step.

We also noticed that these two steps are not parallel. Something is off.

Next day, PB comes out to review our concerns. He agrees that these things need to be corrected and the next day, the crew is back.

They built out the risers so they were almost even with the pool tile. I say almost even because we are going to continue the pool tile along those risers. They also shaved off the extra overhang on the steps.
PB saw that the edge of the wall was not at a true right angle where the raised wall stops and one of the benches/swim outs begins. He had that corrected as well.

They couldn't finish adding the pool tile as they needed to order more. They will extend the pool tile along the risers of each step and also need to re-tile in the pool by the bench/swim out. The first order they received was the wrong tile! So, they have to reorder.
This past week, my main contact has gone on vacation and will not be back until next week. I've been trying to coordinate with the office on a timeline for the build so I can figure out my plaster situation and my planned vacation. I asked if there was any chance we could plaster this week, and they didn't commit one way or another. They told me they would send a crew out to start the cleanup of the worksite. Of course, with all the rain, I realize that is not going to happen. No one has come to start cleaning up the site, no equipment pad being prepared, etc. :(

At any rate, the number of ants congregating in the sand in and around my pavers is unbelievable! We decided to seal the pavers to discourage them.

Over the weekend, the first coat was applied. They added the SuperGrip to keep it "gritty" and not slippery. The color looks great and I think it works well with the pool tiles.

They didn't do a second coat because they were worried about the rain. They waited until yesterday (Monday) and of course, it rained about 2 hours after they applied it. It still looks good today (Tuesday), but I notice it is sticky to walk on it. I'm hoping it will eventually dry up and be okay, but I fear the rain interfered with the curing time.

I am hoping these issues can be resolved soon, but I'm not sure. I know several of the PB guys are rotating out on vacations during the month of July. I've pretty much accepted that I will not be doing plaster or filling this pool until we return from our vacation at the end of July. It's very disappointing, to say the least. But, there are too many unfinished items to think we can squeeze it all in before we leave town.

- - - Updated - - -

On a positive note, we passed the safety inspection! :D

- - - Updated - - -

I'm already practicing the TFPC method! I added bleach to the new rain water filling my pool.
See how clear it is??! :lol:

I am glad they addressed your issues. I would be very worried about that big overhang on the step. I would worry that it would crack/break being stepped on!

I LOVE your colors! One day you will have real water to swim in. At least you are keeping the rain water clean LOL


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Thank you! Glad you like the colors, kimkats!
Very true about that water, Waldog... too bad plaster isn't in it yet!

Nothing more for this week.
I called to ask about my "sticky" decking and they are sending someone out to look at it next week.

I'm feeling calmer about all the delays. My dilemma about filling the pool before or after vacation has been resolved for me!

I'm going to push to have everything in place and ready to go so that when we return, the plaster can go on that very next day. Let's see if I can get that arranged (LOL)... nothing seems to happen when I want it to... :pth:
I came back to this thread to check on the plaster situation - and see it won't be resolved until after YOUR vacation. Although disappointing, as you have noticed in our thread and yours - it's best if you are onsite for any work and your mind will probably be more at ease - however it looks like you have the testing part down. I would like to say, I can't believe some of the things you found with your steps - but thankfully they are getting fixed. I actually think it's sites like this that give us a little power in our dealings with the pool builders - because face it once there is a big cement hold in your ground - you are kind of along for the ride. Generally, it seems that most PB's fix the issues, it's just the fact that they happen in the first place that gets frustrating. I am thankful for all of these threads because it makes me realize we are not alone in the pool building journey. Can't wait to see pics of the tiles going across - I think that will look great. The decking looks really good too. (Ranger Bob's wife)
Thanks, Karen! I agree, it is helpful to read about everyone's pool building experiences. You see what your builder is doing right and where you need to ask questions or change things.

I'm still trying to feel calm about the plaster going in after my vacation. It is VERY difficult to do this... :(
Well, nothing has gone according to my plan! I wanted to plaster once we returned from vacation, but PB was pushing to plaster sooner because they were very concerned about getting a good "no rain" day. We went back and forth about this with me resisting and them pushing. Ironically, as I am requesting things to slow down, things actually speed up!

Here comes the bobcat again to pick up all the trash

Once again, they have to pump out all the icky green rain water.

The bobcat comes back and adds more sand and dirt for a final grade around the pool area.
(Sorry no picture, but see the one above...) ;)

Fancy medallions around the mini water jets

Handhold tiles that I resisted, but must have, are installed. Everyone likes them but me. So, maybe they stay.

Tile along the risers of the stepped deck are installed. I LOVE THEM!!!!
Is the pool all done? I see white plaster and blue water at the last pic that you posted. If so, congratulations! bTW, I really like your tiles! Even though it is more traditional than mine, but I really like the uniqueness and the cool medallions!
While I'm still stewing over this plaster thing, the equipment arrives and is set-up.

In boxes


Everything is labeled included pipes, valves, etc.

I also found this guy in the pool. He was hopping all around the perimeter trying to get out.

The guy installing the equipment was kind enough to get it out of the pool for me. Thank goodness!!!!!!!
cchopkins, you are right! They ended up plastering and filling the pool this past Saturday when no rain was expected!!!

After discussing this with the owner, the owner's wife, the office admin, and my main contact, I finally agreed to have the plaster go in before my vacation.

Their concerns: they have so few days for doing plaster as it rains almost everyday; they are completely behind and couldn't guarantee a plaster date when I returned because of weather, other builds, etc.

I did appreciate the honestly, but I expressed my concerns about the brushing of the plaster and keeping on top of the chemicals. I'm still working with the PB to receive a firm commitment that they will brush the pool regularly while I'm away and I also need to discuss the service coming out to monitor the chemicals. Nothing is definite on that front, but they have been great about working with me on other issues so hopefully I will have good news to report about this as well!

Plaster delivered early in the morning

I peeked under the tarp!

Some acid delivered

Of all the days! I couldn't be home to watch and observe and take photos! There were 8 guys here, but I only saw the finished pool.

Over the course of Saturday and Sunday, the water slowly fills the pool...

Pretty green, wouldn't you say?

Today, the PB returned and hooked up and started the filter, returns, water features, etc. Also, added start-up chemicals.
By late afternoon, the pool looked blue!

I also started brushing. At first, I had a hard time working with the brush, but by the second round of brushing, I got the hang of it! I purchased the Whale Wall brush that was recommended on this site. :)

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