New Liner this to close?


LifeTime Supporter
May 4, 2010
So our new liner will be installed in the next couple of weeks. Normally my pool would be closed by now but we obviously need to keep it open. My question is about getting the water ready for closure after the new liner is installed and the pool is refilled, likely by mid October or even late October.

I assume I will just need to fill the pool, add some baking soda to bring up TA and run the filter for a couple days. Then close it as usual, making sure TA/Ph are good. Maybe add a quart of polyquot 60 for good measure.

I assume no need to add Chlorine, Salt or CYA until spring since the water should be below 60 by then. Is that a good assumption? Anything else I should be considering?
I assume I will just need to fill the pool, add some baking soda to bring up TA
We assume nothing. We use accurate testing as our guide. You can test you fill water now to have a good idea of what you'll need, or test immediately upon filling and add what it needs.

I imagine your northeast fill water is pool friendly and won't need much, just CYA which isn't natural in water and chlorine. Even with cold water you want chlorine in there and chlorine with no CYA is harsh so you'll want it buffered.
I am questioning the need to CYA/Chlorine since water temp will likely be 50 degrees by late October (It's already 59 now). I suppose I could add Chlorine as insurance, but then I would need to add CYA, some of which will be lost due to water displacement over the winter.
Test up your fill water and you'll have time to shop around / wait for Amazon to deliver to get the best deals on what you'll need.

Chlorine may take some effort to source from various HD's and/or Walmarts. Get as many jugs as you need to bring to SLAM (or half SLAM if using polyquat60) and a couple of insurance jugs in case it takes a week between fill and close. :)

You need the chlorine and then that needs CYA to buffer it and not bleach your new liner.
Thanks for the info.....I guess I better buy some CYA/Chlorine. CYA of 30ppm ok? I normally keep it around 70-80 when the SWG is running but 30 will allow for less chlorine to bring to SLAM before closing as I won't be using the SWG.
CYA of 30ppm ok? I normally keep it around 70-80 when the SWG is running but 30 will allow for less chlorine to bring to SLAM before closing.
30 is great for now. Slam target will only be 12 and not 28 as it's 40% of the CYA value.

As the CYA dilutes slowly over the winter, it's fine as you'll still have some in there and the FC dilutes at a similar rate. In the end you might end up with 0 CYA and 3 FC, which is more or less tap water.
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So our new liner will be installed in the next couple of weeks. Normally my pool would be closed by now but we obviously need to keep it open. My question is about getting the water ready for closure after the new liner is installed and the pool is refilled, likely by mid October or even late October.

I assume I will just need to fill the pool, add some baking soda to bring up TA and run the filter for a couple days. Then close it as usual, making sure TA/Ph are good. Maybe add a quart of polyquot 60 for good measure.

I assume no need to add Chlorine, Salt or CYA until spring since the water should be below 60 by then. Is that a good assumption? Anything else I should be considering?
We just got a new liner this week! Super exciting! Here's my tip. If you are using a hydrant to fill, make sure it is flushed for a long time ahead of your fill or you could get gunk (ie iron flecks and calcium bits) into your brand new water. This happened to us even though they flushed ahead but only briefly. Even if it looks clear, it isn't. A filter for the water source would be a good thing to have in my opinion. Our neighborhood has old pipes and it took several hours to fill our pool (24K) so you're really getting those pipes a work out and you don't want all that junk rusting your new liner. I splurged and got the liquid CYA bc it just took too long with the cold water in the northeast to dissolve the granular one. I saw one recommendation to put it in a sock and have your fill water rush over it. Could help but seems like the liquid made it hugely easier. I am still adjusting cya and PH but finally might be done vacuuming. That problem was very annoying! It was cheaper to get the water that way but I spent hours cleaning the pool!
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