New in-ground in swampy Louisiana. Build is ON!!!

So sorry to hear about all of that. I think all of us on the TFP Construction forum should form some type of biker gang to intimidate PB's who tend to break promises on a regular basis. Just a little intimidation wouldn't hurt ya know? Maybe leave a broken skimmer on the doorstep of their offices with a note of, "Finish beaded biker's build...or else..."
I, for one, AM SO HAPPY YOU ARE BACK. I missed you and your witty comments. So now that I got my selfish needs out of the way....I am right there with you on every single emotion and thoughts - both the good and the bad. It wasn't really until the PB missed the deadline for a birthday party that I had really counted on (which was 2 months past their original deadline) that I was finally able to let all the stress go and now it's more a matter of how funny Bob can be when the PB or PM tells us a date for when they are going to do something and then we have our internal bets of when it will really happen and how many times it will have to get redone. But to your point, in the end it will look really nice (if the only reason is because we insist).

And by the way - the color of your deck is AWESOME and it does look great with the stone and the tile is fantastic popping out from the spa and then bringing your eye over to the steps. So fabulously designed. -Karen
While the progress is slower than one would want. You could have been at such a fast pace that you missed many things and the PB was paid and not giving you any priority what so ever. Just keep in mind the end result and all the great times you will have when its done. Keep the updates and pictures coming. Others learn from issues like have arisen with your build.

all I can say is I feel your pain. it seems all pbs operate basically the same way. they do whatever they want no matter what you tell them. my wife got her first dose of that with the benches the other day. now she gets my frustration too.
Q:who would do stone and tile work like that and think its ok? A: a pool builder
its actually hilarious to see what they try to pass as professional and then tell you that its just you.
my pb tells me all the time that im killing him slowly. all I can say is I feel the same way.
maybe they should have a forum of their own where they can vent on us. now that would be a hilarious site!
Thanks all for the nice comments. Y'all are my safe haven. It sucked that I was so mad I couldn't even bring myself to post. I cannot tell you how flaming close I came to telling the PB the darn tile was going to be done (by myself) by the time they bothered to show up. I've done lots of tile, and to have to sit there and look at it for days, all wrong, when in half a day, I could have had it rectified was torture on my soul. At least they fixed the glass tile on the spa, and I spoke to the owner of the subcontractor company that is doing the tile, and it will be fixed on the corner.

I'm going to call him tomorrow to find out his 'plans' for this week and there is no chance he can tell me he needs to wait on the spa stone, because at this point, I'll be doing it if he remotely threatens to make it a delay. We've ridden that excuse bus to the end of its line.

My folks are visiting from the UK for Thanksgiving, my Dad is in his late 80's and pretty frail and this could well be the last time they get to visit me. We better be able to swim in it.

Hey and if we form a biker gang, I'm in - I ride my own Harley...

They do still have some equipment stored in my studio (even after I've told them to clear it out so I can finish my workspace). The thought has now occurred to me to take a photo of it, with a hatchet poised above it along with the note - get over here and finish my pool or the compressor gets it.
I realized I still hadn't taken photos of the equipment completely done and connected to the easytouch. Well it's a night shot. Because I just took it. LOL. But I did manage to install my exterior shed lights superbly and in just the right spot if I do say so myself. Also apparently I am not allowed to take a pic of the pool without the dogs being in it.



To throw my PB a bone. Here is one of the corners they managed to do well. Of course they had factory corners for the bottom two tiles.


And here is one done without the proper corners on the back of the spa. It's at least neat. I have since wiped some of the stone dust off the cut edges and it looks better still


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See that would **** me off MORE because it shows they CAN do a good job if they want to!

Dogs and pictures "Mom did you look here? How about here? I know you are looking at something so I will help you!" It is their job and it will be done!

Sorry to hear about your dog, but it really sounds like it could be so much worse. Hard to keep the stress down, but do what you can.

As to the PB, oh **** no that work wouldn't have flown with me either and 7 weeks POST gunite. I am not sure how you are paying for this but leverage that as these guys are screwing with you. It doesn't sound like YOU are subbing this all out and set to be the Super over all of this, but time for some *** chewing and lighting a fire under their ***** (please don't take this as criticism but feedback)
Some one did show up this am though, I wasn't expecting it, and they know they are supposed to call me first, because of the dogs. Especially since one of them had a stroke Friday. I'm effing mad about that.

One guy showed up and apparently he is installing a backwash drain. He also ran the overflow drain with it. Its not vastly under the soil, but its at least cover-able. I'm guessing at this point any extra soil that needs to be added to bring it up to level is going to be done by yours truly. Or go with sod, don't really have the budget for it, but maybe just around the pool perimeter and then put rye everywhere else to keep the mud from being an issue and plant plugs next spring.

So it would be nice if they bothered to communicate these plans to me, anyway, I actually wasn't expecting this drain to be put in. The guy doing it says they don't usually bother putting one in. So is it 'hush money' so to speak?. So for the moment I'm holding off on sending a really horrible email I have in my draft box.

I was graced by a call from the PB. He is good at talking me down from the ledge, I'll give him that. Allegedly he has told them he wants the pool ready by Wednesday, for plaster on Thursday or Friday. We will just be waiting on the electrician, who also allegedly might grace us with a visit this afternoon to make a supply list. Why he didn't do that last time he decided to drop by and look at the site I have no idea. But in an interesting turn of events, it turns out I'm good friends with a lady whose husband is in turn very good friends with his Dad. I am going to drop names if he shows up. You know, in case it helps. This is a very small town after all. Still as I'm writing this its after 4.30pm, so I don't hold out much hope on seeing them anyway.

I do have to ask this of forum members though. For the many of us that have had Arctic Lagoon tiles, or film faced mosaics installed. Has anyone else had to listen to the incessant whining of their pool builders or subs on how it sucks to install, and had delays because of it? Because quite frankly I'm fed up of hearing it from mine. I get to hear that EVERY TIME they come to do more tile....

Anyway my poor stroke victim woofed for the first time since her stroke, when the worker showed up. So I guess I have that to be thankful for...

Editing to add: no I am not subbing it out. Although sometimes I feel I should get a cut. To be fair every time I've brought up an issue, it has been dealt with, perhaps slowly, but at least they agreed without question on my problems and to get it fixed. The stone issue is the biggest thing really. Especially as today I realized I had sent him an estimate in writing before he ordered it of the correct amount of stone which the tile company and myself had figured out based upon the size of the spa, complete with the 12 corner pieces he would need rather than the 4 he got. Ordering the wrong amount was no-ones fault but his own. I couldn't have helped him more unless I actually placed the order, if you can still mess it up after that, well, then whoever in his company did it is a complete moron. He did said he ordered it though. I stand by my remark...

I owe 15% still. 10% is due at plaster. 5% at completion of the 'punch out' list. I hope that includes the option to punch out my PB too. It would be worth it then. Actually, really what the heck IS a punch out list? Am also adding pictures of what was done today

Backwash pipe from filter.


Pipe kinda sorta covered :eyeroll:


Pipe exits under fence to open drainage ditch behind my property


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Yeah sort of covered is the best you can say. I would worry about the water eroding the dirt where it comes out.

I would hold off on paying them anything more until the work that has been done is fixed. "Sorry but there is still work that is not done correctly so......."

Will you be able to get to the filter? That is a LOT of pipes and stuff there! WOW! I would label and take a good picture to keep to help me remember what goes where and does what.

Good to hear about the doggy woofing! That is a great sound!

Oh yeah Kim, I can get to the filter if I have to, although the handle to control it is out in front - easy to get to. I think once they have left I'm going to paint the pipes and label them, if they don't do that themselves. Once they do start up, I'll make sure we check what every valve does. I think I know, but I want to be sure. I can also get to the Easytouch panel - they thoughtfully put it at 'Eva Height', I'm only 5'2" and its at a height were I can fiddle with the Easytouch Panel if I need to.

There is almost no chance the water will erode the dirt we have. Its like pure clay. Horrible stuff. My neighbors on the other side of the ditch all have little dirt ditches from their gutters to the drainage ditch and it doesn't look like their ditches have erosion issues. But I will keep an eye on it and if I need to put a concrete drain guide on it I will.
Beadedbiker;740083 [B said:

I do have to ask this of forum members though. For the many of us that have had Arctic Lagoon tiles, or film faced mosaics installed. Has anyone else had to listen to the incessant whining of their pool builders or subs on how it sucks to install, and had delays because of it? Because quite frankly I'm fed up of hearing it from mine. I get to hear that EVERY TIME they come to do more tile....

Hi Eva, glass tiles are definitively not easy to install. It definitively needs a lot of experience from the installer. The one thing that I do give a thumbs up to my PB and the GC is that they used the right crew for the job. MY pool is 178 linear feet and the glass water wall is 3 feet by 12 feet, and they are all glass tiles, the same as yours. The two men who worked on the whole job did not complain at all but they smiled and listened to the music the whole time. Their boss is true artist when it comes to installation of the mosaic glass tiles, so I guess his people are used to install those tiles. My job is not difficult enough for the boss to personally install. According to my designer, the boss of the tile crew installed many difficult and beautiful mosaic artwork for many places in DFW areas. The down side of having all those glass tiles, the whole job took them on and off a whole month to install..... so I was happy with the result, but definitively was not happy about how long it took.
If it makes you feel any better my overflow pipe is so high that it got nicked when we drilled holes for the mesh fence. For some reason right in that same area the concrete wasn't 4" thick like the rest. Had to trim the pole where it sets in the ground. It's a bit ridiculous. I even asked them not to install the overflow pipe. Oh well. It will be over soon.
Yes, those tiles are not easy to install at all. In fact according to npt (who made the glass tiles we used) there are only 3 kinds of thinset you need to use on them. My pb used none of the 3. Oh well again.
A punch list is a construction term for anything left over that needs to be dealt with before turning over to customer.
Hang in there. You'll be relaxing in that spa soon. That's what keeps me going.
We doing biker gangs too? I'm in!


(That's me on my bike, riding the tail of the dragon in NC).

Anyway, there was an electrician sighting today, just a sighting though. Does turn out I am friends with his kindergarten teacher, and evidently her husband is BFF with his Dad. I may have name dropped excessively. It's a small town, and I know some peeps. Maybe it will help to get that run by Thursday.

I guess fair enough on the glass tile then for being a pain to install. Still doesn't mean they should be whining like some toddlers to me about it though.

PB swears up and down pool will be ready for plaster Thursday. There is still waterline tile not installed. They must have that Magic thin set that doesn't need to set before grouting then. You know, THE ONE THAT DOESNT EXIST. SIgh. I even offered to help them finish the tile since No one showed up today to do anything, but was not allowed to. You know I'm not nearly incompetent to be of use.

Allegedly they will be here tomorrow. But I won't be here to see it. I am leaving. Tomorrow I'm going to the international quilt festival in Houston for 3 days. I will not be thinking about the pool. Hubby can deal with the hassle. I need a break. Hopefully I'll come home and it will be plastered. Ha. Ha. Ha. Right.

Oh one more thing. I ordered a little starfish tile for my tanning ledge. It's my touch of whimsy. They forgot to order it, so they had to overnight it at their expense from Las Vegas. Too bad. So sad.

Right, I am out of here, quilting is calling my name...
Ok, so we have plaster, and the pool is full.

What we don't have is any electricity. Yep. The electrician never showed. Apparently knowing his Dad's BFF makes not a lick of difference. I was not there. I was in Houston I told my husband not to pay the plaster draw until the electric had been run, but the PB told him he would stop work right then on the plaster if he didn't hand over the check. Besides 'not to worry' as they would be out Monday morning to dig a ditch for the electrician and the electricity would be on Monday afternoon. I get the feeling the electrician is balking at paying for the trenching of the line. Which he has been paid for. Still they had 8 weeks to sort it out so my sympathy level is in the minus numbers.

Or at the least they would "run an extension cord to the pump until the electricity was run" So he handed over the check. If I had been there I knew we had 3 days from due date to pay according to the contract. I'm furious. They could have picked the check up on the Monday when they 'promised to show'. Because I am used to the lies it wouldn't have flown at all. So now we only owe 5%. Due at completion of the punch out list.
I made sure they have one already. There's no electricity so no circulation. They don't want me brushing until it can circulate, there are already leaves staining the plaster and dust accumulating on the surface.

They didn't show up till late Thursday am. They set the tiles remaining and grouted them within the day. They rushed preparing it so much there is white thinset clearly visible all over the step tile mosaic, which stands out horribly against the gray plaster finish. I have a feeling brushing will expose more of that issue. The PB said he would be out tomorrow. I'm honestly not sure I can deal with him. I am so mad. But husband had to go back offshore.
At lest the plaster crew appeared to do a great job.

To top it off when I got back from Houston, my doggy passed away. She had been refusing food since Tuesday, but drinking, the vet had been giving her antibiotic shots every day because her white cell count was low. She was weak but seemingly doing ok when my husband left to pick me up, but when we walked in the front door, she was laying there collapsed and breathing shallow. We realised she wasn't going to make it even to the emergency vet. It was like she waited until we could both be there for her. We held her and loved on her, as she finally passed barely 10 minutes after we walked through the door. But she had both of us there and her brother and sisters all around. Vet thinks she might have had a blood cancer, that led to the stroke and sudden illness. There were no signs of her being sick before the stroke last week.

We buried her out by the pool, in a shady spot she would have loved to hang out in while we were all by the pool. Here is one of her last pictures, taken Monday, after the stroke, but before she stopped eating, enjoying being by the pool, while I was sitting on the pool edge, hanging out in the afternoon shade.


Well, time for pictures I guess.

Spa filling, you can see how they did the spot tile. I agreed to have it like this in the spa as opposed to the lines like in the pool.


Full. It filled in 12 hours total.



The glass tile is so pretty with water over it



My touch of whimsy. It was supposed to be a turquoise sand dollar, but they didn't bother to order to it, so I got what was in stock, a blue starfish. It looks ok but I better not be charged for it.


Step tile. Unsurprisingly they left thinset in between the glass tiles. I had even offered to help them remove the film and clean this out before hand. They told me no. I have less than zero sympathy and it will be fixed before they see a penny more.


How they left the grout on the front of the spillover


To top it all off, they had forgotten to bring a deck drain when they put in the pathway, so they added it in later, by cutting a channel and mortaring it in. This is how it looks now.

HUGS! I am sorry to hear about your dog. I am sure she waited for you. :(

The tiles in the sun is very pretty!

Too bad they did not do a good job on all of it!

I would think about putting a stop payment on the check. That work is NOT acceptable as you know.

Keep us informed of what happens. :(

wow, you beat me to water!
I don't see them running a cord to your pump as it is a 220 volt hook up and they would likely have to run straight wire from the bus bar to do this. lame.
are those step tiles really that crooked or is it just waves in the water? sadly your pb's craftsmanship looks oddly like mine. if I was my pb I would be embarrassed at most of the stuff they do instead of proud. weird trade where it seems to be the norm for them.
really sad to hear about your dog. at least you were there at the time. it does make it slightly better than not knowing what happened. my condolences.

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