Jun 19, 2022
Water Mill, NY
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
New guy here and thanks for letting me join.... I'm a home pool owner, a bit of diy guy. Not much but I try. We just had a new liner put in. I always took care of my own pool as best I could and I now have dedicated myself to upping my game. Getting the chemicals balanced correctly rather than good enough might give my equipment a longer life? I'm maintaining my own in-ground (15 year old) pool. I believe it is 30,000 gals tops. I have a Hayward sand filter and it needs a little work - spitting out some sand on backwash..and my pressure is reading 30 which is 5-10 lbs more than I recall it's stable pressure reading, usually 20-25. I also know I have air in the line, as my pump water seems to be a whirlpool of energy. Frankly it has always been that way. I just put a 2nd new motor in my Hayward pump so I am getting the idea my system is old obsolete and in need of better care than I have given it. That is what has brought me here. Glad to be here
Hello and welcome to TFP! :wave: We'll be glad to help you with all of your pool needs. Just look at our list of sub-forums and start a thread for whatever you need. Be sure to bookmark our Pool Care Basics page as it has just about everything you need to become accustomed to TFP principles. It should help quite a bit. If you have any questions let us know. Have a great day. :swim:
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Finally got a taylor kit.. ended up with the k-2005. Crud... I see I need to upgrade it. For now I would love to begin testing. Is there a link or some info one how to actually use this kit? No instructions came with the darn thing
Ok..i think I found it here...

Extended Test Kit Directions Archives......

Can I begin with testing PH or must you go in order? I know how to add liquid shock so my concern is PH and CYA.. Not sure why? But I am so curious... So I guess the question is , must one go in order? I can't wait to use this silly kit. It seems overwhelming.
Order is personal preference. The only one that has an order is Free Chlorine, then Combined Chlorine, only because you use the same water sample. Follow the extended directions, be not overwhelmed. In a week you will consider yourself to have been silly a week ago...

Test Computer GIF
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