New Build in Red Stick- **pic heavy** 3-25 update

Re: New Build in Red Stick- **pic heavy** 3-17 update

Blargh. One of my jets is "sick". It reaches about half the distance of the others. I bet a rock has lodged in the line. :hammer:

I need to disassemble the top end of the jet and try to blow it out. It was too late last night so that's a project for another day.

Boy the water splashing is LOUD!
Re: New Build in Red Stick- **pic heavy** 3-17 update

reedpool said:
What an amazing job you have done. Thanks for sharing your story. What color of travertine did you use?

In travertine there is alot of variation in color, but they called it Ivory. Its a light tan, and when sealed is a darker tan. We did the same travertine in tiles, french pattern and sealed it and it came out way darker than the pool deck. We do plan on sealing the pool deck after I put in the caulking around the pool and the paver topping sand.

Thanks for the compliment, we like it.
Re: New Build in Red Stick- **pic heavy** 3-17 update

Yay! Pulled the nozzle off and turned ALL VALVES except that sick deck jetoff, turned the pump up to full high... besides the 50 foot high stream of water, it blew the rock out! I wonder if laminars are quieter? Just what I want to do is do this job over again and spend 2K just on jets lol.
Re: New Build in Red Stick- **pic heavy** 3-17 update

I keep reading things, but try as I might, I can't see the pictures. I _KNOW_ there have to be pics of all this, especially these mythical 'deck jet' creatures, but for some odd reason, they aren't showing up in your posts. Maybe it's my firewall, or browser? You don't think it's just my eyes going bad, do you? Oh, no! I'm going blind! I knew it! Gettin' old is such a cruel thing...
Re: New Build in Red Stick- **pic heavy** 3-17 update

allright smartypants...

A pic of the jet body set in the deck (still need to grout around it).


All the jets in the deck... off


the fitting from in the trench going under the deck to the jet body... you cant see the valve its buried in the sand. I really could have skipped the valve, I left em all on full and they dont really need any adjustment. But it came in handy when I had to blow the rock out.


Jets on:


the trench:


tying into the existing plumbing:


And a before and after yard before pool and after:



You cant see her but my oldest is asleep on the couch under the patio... visiting us for a while today and she naps. She misses home (moved out last year).

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Little project this weekend, ran the speaker wiring and speakers out to behind the pool. Put in a pair of in-ground speakers ( the green mushroom looking kind). 150W ea, and I don't have my outdoor distribution amp yet so I just tied em into the house speaker switch. They sound good, but I am not pushing them near the limit yet.

Had to run 1 inch conduit through the attic from the future spot for the amp out the side gable and down to the stub out from the pool build that brings it out behind the pool. There was one 100 ft straight run (except for 2 45 deg sweeps I used to wiggle around an obstacle) and that pull was a bear, until I went and broke down to getting some pulling lube. Then it was easy. Should have done it from the get-go.

Can't wait to get my distribution amp so I can blast out the guy a couple of houses down. He comes home around 10pm and blasts rap and gangsta crud for an hour at least twice a week. Wait till he hears Elvis (THE KING!) drown him out in response.
WOW. I just read your documentary.. What an amazing read! Sounds like you and your family have certainly earned some down time!!

Did you ever hear anything more about Louis? I hope he finds another profession.
He is no longer in the pool business.

We have been THOROUGHLY enjoying owning a pool.

With the SWG and automation, maintenance is down to weekly testing and emptying of skimmers and polaris bag, and a bit of brushing.

Just had my daughters 10th birthday party sunday with 16 girls over... I watched, only three kids went to the bathroom in 4 hours. pretty sure there is alot of pee in the pool, but 24 hours after, you couldnt tell with testing or visually (immediately after the party we thought it looked "dull").
Lershac said:
He is no longer in the pool business. YEAH!!!!!!!

We have been THOROUGHLY enjoying owning a pool. YEAH!

With the SWG and automation, maintenance is down to weekly testing and emptying of skimmers and polaris bag, and a bit of brushing.

Just had my daughters 10th birthday party sunday with 16 girls over... I watched, only three kids went to the bathroom in 4 hours. pretty sure there is alot of pee in the pool, but 24 hours after, you couldnt tell with testing or visually (immediately after the party we thought it looked "dull").

That's what it's all about!!! :party:
Re: New Build in Red Stick

No really visible progress to show pics of, but a nice heartwarming moment.

So I have been shovelling and wheelbarrowing gravel into the pool for a nice base for the concrete. 6 in over the whole 20X30 pad. Every evening after work. Tonight I have been really pushing it and am almost finished, I want to get to rebar and plumbing this weekend.

I am out there on wheelbarrow #30 for the evening, 25 shovels per wheelbarrow load. Sweating like a prostitute in confessional. My daughter (7 years) comes out and talks with me for a second, and then says "dad you must be working hard you are sweating all over!" and disappears. A few minutes later she comes out with my big mug filled with ice and water and tells me to take a break. She wants to put the rocks in the barrow for a while. I am grateful as heck for the water and sit down on the patio reading TFP. Darned if I dont hear a steady shovel-dump going. And no pansy shovels either. I am counting them, and at 35 she yells at me "Daddy you have to move this coz its too heavy for me!" She has the wheelbarrow overflowing. I go and dump it and put my gloves on thinking that she has probably had it with that work stuff... NO, she tells me to go sit back down and we do that two more times before I tell her that I am really proud of her and she has done enough shovelling. (I was worried about her hands with no gloves on my shovel). She goes and grabs the rake and starts spreading the gravel in the pool bottom while I am dumping more in. about 30 minutes later she says "daddy my skin is coming off and its kinda hurty!" ****. Well I dressed her hands and sent her off to watch from the sidelines, but I tell ya, that one interaction with her was what made this all worth it, especially when she talked to me a second ago and said "Dad the pool will be better because we worked together on it huh?"

Oh my, there seems to be something in my eyes... the message seems to be getting through!

Only on page 2 of this thread, but didn't want to forget to comment on this. What a beautiful thing; I try, as often as my cluttered brain will allow, to be cognizant of these little moments with my kids and to cherish them. Good for you.
WOW. I just read your documentary.. What an amazing read! Sounds like you and your family have certainly earned some down time!!

Did you ever hear anything more about Louis? I hope he finds another profession.

Update to Louis.

I am an IT guy, and have a lot of different clients.

One of them is a good friend and lawyer, and one day I was in my friends office working, and LO AND BEHOLD GUESS WHO WALKS IN?


I am bearded now and I was squatting down working so I dont think he recognized me, but as I sat there working, I overheard him talking to his companion in the lobby... he was arrested for kiting checks, and besides dealing with that, he is going through bankruptcy.

Sweet Jesus there is a little justice in the world. He was also driving a beat up 15 year old econobox car worth about $500. He used to drive a $60K truck.

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