New build. How rough can walls be to apply vermiculite pool base?


Sep 15, 2023
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Hayward Aqua Rite Pro (T-15)
I have just excavated my hole for my 20x40 ft pool with an 8 ft deep end. My shallow end floor is ok (not perfect) and the ramp to the deep end hopper is manageable. But my deep end walls are rough due to layers of shale encountered. Although my excavator wasn’t a pool guy” I think he did the best he could with my soil condition. I need to smooth somewhat by hand and the deep end wall corners, but my question is if there are cave ins and roughness due to extruding shale what is the best approach? Is there a stabilization material to use or patch those areas with pool base first ?


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I am confused. Are you asking about smoothing the walls or the floor?

The walls should get steel panels installed and then the vermiculite is put on the floor.
The sloped sections of the deep end is what I meant. My pool is 8 ft in the deep end so the fabricated wall panels (polymer in my case) sit on a shelf mid depth for the deep end. The sloped sections and flat section in the deep end all are covered with pool base vermiculite like the flat section in the shallow end. these deep end sloped sections are rough due to the layered shale in my excavation.
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