my pool plumbing, kinda cool

kinda cool, if you like this kinda thing.
View attachment 85459

See should be in the lounge room...

One thing, and it is a personal bug bear of mine. I never set up booster pumps like this. Domestically I know its common. Do yourself and your family a favour and put a timer on them to run for about 20 minutes every day it prevents building dead water in the system.
Label all those pipes going into the ground. The next owner of your house will thank you.
Well, until somebody can definitively show me how the following is not appropriate for a residential pool, I'll leave it alone.

Waterway Sweep Elbow - 2

If you look at the pic of my pad above, you'll see the depth of the glue sockets (not sure what that's called) of the parts in question are very much similar to the depth of the glue sockets on the other fittings and components.

According to this, the Waterway Sweep Elbows are Sch 40, so I think you should be OK.
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