Milky/Cloudy water and I'm stumped


LifeTime Supporter
Oct 19, 2011
Charlotte, NC
Had this pool for 10 years and have never had this problem. Water has been cloudy for over a week and I cannot clear it. It is milky in color and I can barely see the main drain in the deep end which is only 6'.

Two days ago I tried using Alum, adding it directly to the skimmer to aid the sand filter, and it only raised the psi by 3 or 4 over several hours and the pool water actually became cloudier as it dropped my Ph and TA.

Here are my latest numbers from this evening...

Ph 7.4
TA 110
FC 5
CYA 70
CH 50 (I know this is low but I didn't think it mattered in a vinyl lined pool)

Has your FC dipped below 5 for any length of time? That's your minimum for 70 ppm CYA. I would elevate to shock level for your CYA (28 ppm) for a day (or more depending on clarity change), then see if clarity improves, then perform the OCLT. Basically a SLAM procedure but shouldn't take long with only cloudy water.
Assuming it is organic in nature, that probably kept you from going green or at least cloudier, good instinct. Now just follow through on the "And Maintain" and i'm guessing you'll clear up in a few days. Again, congrats on your years of TFP and thanks for donating!
Great job! In the meantime, just to cover the basics, even though I'm quite confident you're aware of all this, perhaps you might have forgot one:
1. Check filter psi, backwash if needed (full 2min backwash, rinse, bw, rinse, filter - turning off between each change)
2. Check skimmer basket for any foreign material
3. Perform OCLT (being sure to retest to verify exact FC after last addition after darkness, ideally at shock or so, then testing before sun hits the pool)
4. visually ensure you've still got the correct amount of sand in filter (might put this off if you've never opened it before since SLAM might fix)
5. ask the family if anyone had any kind of accident or saw anything from a pool store go in the pool - you're not angry, just don't want to do wrong thing guessing
6. pull out the ladder(s) and light(s) out and scrub them, as well as the area(s) they obscure - and the ladder footer(s) too - if it opens up or has a hole to drain water, ensure it is clear...and not algae-ridden
7. If you haven't ever done a
Deep Cleaning of the Sand Filter, it might really just be time, especially if you don't always do a full backwash cycle as above

Yeah, I think that's all my brain has to offer. I've personally had to do the deep clean and it was mind blowing the amount and crud and milkiness that came out and for so long...wish I had moved it before starting, then I wouldn't have had to move it across wet ground after realizing I couldn't do that next to my pool walls and pump/motor. Hopefully your setup is friendlier with the IG. Either way, if you end up deep cleaning, consider tarping motor or moving sand tank (after draining water) unless your tank is at an area with great drainage.

Hopefully the SLAM works. I've only ever helped in 1 thread where they actually had to deep clean, thank gosh.
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