Metal Staining or Algae?

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Last week, I noticed some light brown streaks on the pool floor (including one long one where the pool slopes down, some around the bottom drain, and smaller patchy ones in various places around the pool), which almost looked like stains. There were also some greyish patchy spots near some of the steps.

We have had a ton of rain and the chlorine level had gotten low (around 2-3ppm at 20ppm CYA) with the warmer weather, so at first I thought it might be the start of algae, though the differing colors seemed odd for that.

I increased CYA to about 45ppm and have maintained the chlorine level at 15-20ppm for the last 4 days to shock it, including adding liquid chlorine and running the DE filter + SWG nonstop. I have not had any luck scrubbing away the streaks, though they did look like they were starting to disappear yesterday, but now are back at almost full force today. I also now see a few odd shaped very dark spots that looks like the start of an algae bloom.

I've backwashed the DE filter once, and have tried scraping with a stainless steel scrubber, but to no avail.