Metal staining- beyond frustrated


Sep 10, 2013
Stellarton, NS
Sorry that this is a bit long. I've had metal staining problems pretty much since we moved into a house with an in-ground pool. It's town water, not well water, that has a bad reputation for having problems. The previous owners made no mention of any staining problems, and we added a SWG that first summer. Since then each summer the metal staining seems to have gotten worse. I've read lots and lots about it online, mainly this site. I have to admit, it has taken a lot out of the enjoyment of owning a pool. The most challenging situation so far started about a week ago. I had used some absorbic acid earlier this summer and got the pool to look pretty good, but hasn't been super clear all along. I have been keeping the chlorine between 1-3 and PH low, about 7.2, to try and avoid the dreaded staining- and have had to add acid every week to keep it low. Last week when I started seeing stains again, I tried adding sequestrant (been trying Bioguard Metal Magnet and Natural Chemistry Metal Free)- can't get the other big name stuff talked bout on this site, here in Eastern Canada. When the sequestrant didn't lift the stains, I added some absorbic acid, which was probably a mistake. Ends up I most likely had a bit of algae already started and lots of sun and heat were in store the entire week to make matters worse. As expected,the AA ate up any chlorine left, and I didn't have enough algaecide in the pool- very hard to find polyquat 60 in our area- not sure why it's not more avail in Canada. BTW, CYA was on the low side- 20-30. The pool got cloudy and green and was very difficult to know if it was algae, metals oxidizing, or both. I could see and smell a layer of green scum in the skinner sock, so figured some algae was definitely there. Ended up putting in 6 jugs of bleach and two bags of granular shock over two days to finally get it to hold and move up past 3 ppm. The last I checked it went up to 13-14. I also added sequestrant as I went and some quat 40(best I could find). I didn't know if more sequestrant would help or make it more cloudy. The pool gradually cleared up some but still has the shiny colored water look. It's almost as if the metals have oxidized and are still suspended in the water. Coming off one of the most aggravating weeks in memory, and putting my heart and soul(and wallet ��) into this pool during a very short pool season, I'm feeling very defeated and will no doubt drain and refill this fall or next spring with trucked in water, as others have done in the neighborhood. I'll try and post my specs below. I'm now away for 10 days and have the local pool guys checking on it while I'm gone. I'm not hopeful to find any improvements when I come back, as most of the pool guys don't know much about metal staining. I have a big bday party at the end of Aug and need to do something to turn it around. I wish there was something other than the AA treatment. I'm not totally sold on it. Everyone says to wait to shock and to slowly raise Chl, but it never seems to matter with mine. The stains come back no matter what I do. Looking for some ray of hope and not miss anymore swim days for my kids ������. Any help would be very appreciated.
I feel your pain. Similar situation here. I have a fiberglass pool and drained 2/3 out several times without much luck. Can you get jack magic the purple stuff? Is so get it ASAP! It would be nice to get it in there before you slam the pool with chlorine. Anyway my method of using jacks magic, holding pH at 7.2 and pay no intention at all to the phosphate level works. Of course you need to slam and kill the algae. But there is hope and I know it can be frustrating.
Thanks MJ,

I was looking back on this old post and maybe didn't realize that you replied a while ago- sorry for not getting back to you! I am revisiting all this stuff now that pool season is upon us again. I have been considering draining the entire pool, but nervous to after all the warnings about the problems and nightmares that can occur with a vinyl liner. I am thinking about a partial drain. I have different areas of shrubs and soil that will run off into the pool when it rains hard. This could be contributing to the situation. I dread the thought of spending hundreds of dollars on stain removing chemicals and constantly having the stains reappear. I had my source water tested and doesn't show any significant metals. I'll test the pool water for metals this spring before I get things going. I also have the CuLator metal eliminator and changed out the sand in my filter. I can get some of the Jack's products online, but a lot more expensive in Canada. I'll shop around and probably order some bottles to use right off the bat this spring. I may try to avoid shocking the pool and just slowly get the water cleared up, then use a sequestrant all summer before any metals can oxidize out, while keeping the PH low. Have you conquered the demons :D? Do you find Jack's purple the best? Thx so much!
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