Low Ph - Below 7

May 19, 2015
Burbank, California
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
My test kit only goes as low as 7. Yellow = 7, and it's 100% yellow. So i'm not sure how low it really is. But the TA is 110.

But the pH has never gotten this low. And I haven't added any acid in probably 2 weeks+ when it was around 8+.

In the past I've had problems trying to manage my pH raising so fast because the TA was around 200. took almost a year to bring it down to 110.

No one uses the pool, So I figured I'll just let the pH Rise on it's own? It will raise back up? Right? lol

Should I be worried about anything?
pH doesn't just crash on its own, especially not at that TA. It has to be something that was added to the water. What all have you added in the past two weeks? Any solid forms of chlorine?

Regardless of how it happened, you don't want to wait to correct that as acidic water will damage your plaster. Using borax will bring the pH up without sending your TA skyward again, unlike pH increaser products that contain sodium carbonate.
Whenever you get a really unexpected result, it's probably worth doing the measurement again. Get some new water (in a new cup or whatever you use), rinse out your test tube, and try it again. I'm not an expert, but that's certainly what I'd do if my pH was suddenly very, very low, after having trouble keeping it from rising too much.
Having a pH that low does not make sense with a 110 TA unless the CYA is over 200. I would retest. If the CYA is over 100, you should get it down to under 100.

Are you using trichlor tabs?

Does the TA test go red right away?
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