Low flow out of 1 of 6 return jets


Sep 20, 2021
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Hey guys,

Just noticed 1 out of my 6 return jets is significantly lower pressure than the rest. All others feel similar in the amount of pressure. It’s not the furthest from the pump either, probably closer to the midpoint. I’m pretty handy but not sure where to start as I’m in my second year of pool ownership.

Let me know what ideas you may have or suggested testing.

Thanks everyone!
Just started running the pump at high speed to see if any air comes out. I forgot that I added 2 pucks of cal hypo to raise my cya back up to 45-50. I religiously use liquid chlorine but Texas is getting killed with heat and I’m up to 3 quarts a day.
A little air came out of that one return but after going back to low speed it’s still much lower than the rest.

Welcome to TFP! Good to have you here :)

This is common for whichever one has the longest pipe run, but if it wasn't happening when the pool was new, I'd pop it out and see if a bit of loose shotcrete comes out.

If you don't know if it's always been this way, then you could consider smaller orifice return jet(s) on the returns that have the highest flow, esentially re-directing flow to the one you need more. That will change your water circulation pattern and skimming.

Cal hypo will not raise CYA - it's chlorine and calcium
Ok guys so here it goes.

Like I said I added some pucks to the chlorinator and obviously added air to the system. After turning the pump back on it primed up in high speed but must have not been long enough and when it returned back to low speed, air must have still been trapped.

What I did…

Turned pump back on high speed for 20ish minutes. Air bubbles kinda slowly came out over time.

Tuned back to low speed and the same issue was present.

Turned back to HIGH speed and removed problem return jet fitting.
Placed palm over opening to build up pressure, then removed palm to allow a decent amount of air bubbles.

Continued this until no more air escaped.

Return replaced and working as good as before.

Hope this helps someone as paranoid and particularly OCD as I am on our awesome pools.

Have a great night everyone!!

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