Liner seam rip. HELP!


Well-known member
May 8, 2023
Woke up this morning to a seam rip on the side seam of my soft-sided pool about halfway down. The pool drained almost to that spot overnight and will be there soon.

Is there ANY chance I can repair this or should I just retire the pool?

This is 100% a manufacturing defect. The pool on that side is still totally level, and I'm within about an inch of level across the entire circumference. Unfortunately the liner warranty is 90 days and I'm past that.

Real bummer, this is my birthday weekend, and it's hot out.
I have a patch kit and I'm going to go ahead and patch it. My plan:

- Drain it down to past the leak (in progress)
- Use rubbing alcohol thoroughly clean the area
- Fill in the flap on the seam with rubber cement and close up
- Place a large rectangular patch 4 inches beyond the seam in every direction

That said, I'm not going to get back in it until some experts have a chance to chime in. I'm concerned about safety if it was to let go. I'll patch it up and then let everyone put in their two cents. From some quick internet searching, it doesn't sound like these failures can be patched.
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I’m sorry this is happening. ☹️

I wouldn’t trust a patch to keep the seam from opening up like a zipper.
Is the outside wall seperate from the liner, or is it just a traditional liner with patterns on both sides. I ask because the outside part seems compromised in a way the inside isn't. I'd be leary of the outside being able to hold the pool water weight once the inside is patched.
The photo of the outside of the pool is the leak is that water shooting out both sides or a gash in the liner? I don't know how the inside seam is supposed to look but if it's delaminating nothing will probably hold it. But if the seam is folded over on itself you may be able to get waterproof tape: Gorilla 4 in. x 10 ft. Waterproof Patch and Seal Tape in White 101895 - The Home Depot and tape the whole seam in one strip from bottom to top and it could seal. I would have a helper on the outside so you can apply some pressure to the tape to make it stick good. You might want to think about reinforcing the outside horizontally in a few places to help take the pressure off the seam. Just an idea but it may not work.
Okay here bros, here is what I did:

- Fill overlapping seam with glue from patch kit. It shows polyurethane and MEK. Dang!
- Stack a bunch of patches on the back side
- Do a vinyl patch several inches around the zone using the glue I got, on the inside
- (pending) I bought flex seal tape and I'm about to slap that on tomorrow before I fill again

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Welp, patching the pool got me an extra two weeks of joyful use out of the pool, but I am sad to report that the seam split again, surprisingly at a different spot than before. Clearly a manufacturing defect. I will not be buying Summer Waves again.

It was nice while it lasted, and in some ways was worth the added expense to repair (probably about $100 for water, patching supplies, stabilizer and chlorine). Sadly it's going to hit a heat index of 100 today and would have been a beautiful day for a swim.
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