Las Vegas Pool Service Recommendation


New member
Jun 21, 2022
Las Vegas

Brand new here and although I would love to to personally use the TFP and SLAM method for keeping my pool perfect I travel a bunch for work, so I need to hire it out.

My current pool company is not very good so I was wondering if anyone here in Las Vegas has any recommendations for local pool service?

Tagging a few locals that I found...

Thanks so much,
Welcome to TFP! Tell us about your pool. Volume, equipment, how do you chlorinate (tablets, swg or dose liquid chlorine manually) and most importantly, do you have a recommended test kit? If no kit yet, get either the tf-100 from or the Taylor K-2006C from Amazon.

I completely understand that you have a pool service, who probably show up once a week for 15 minutes and you pay them $150 a month. Traveling extensively makes it more challenging to care for your pool but there are many TFPers who still manage their pool and the water looks great. You can do it too. Welcome, ask questions, the mods and members will jump in and answer them, so ask.
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