Landscaping, Irrigation, Outdoor Speakers & Hardscaping

So this may be considered a "stupid" question, but it has been bugging We are in the home stretch of our pool build, and our entire backyard is demolished. What would be the pecking order for hardscaping (build a semi-large planter with retaining wall, poured concrete pavers leading from side gate to pool), landscaping (sod and multiple 8-10' tropical trees, miscellaneous bushes/shrubs/flowers), install outdoor landscaping speakers (& bury wires), and full re-build of irrigation system?
  1. Hardscaping - the construction will mess up landscaping
  2. Rough in speaker wires or put conduits in ground to wire locations
  3. Landscaping
  4. Irrigation - have to see where plants are to install irrigation
  5. Speakers
A good irrigation company will lift the sod up, trench for the irrigation, and lay the sod back down.

Talk to the companies doing the work.
If the sprinklers are done before the sod, which makes sense to, they will hit each and every head with the machine moving the pallets of sod. Or if they're moving it by hand, with a loaded up wheelbarrow. Even if you flag them. :ROFLMAO:
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