Issue with major rust on heat pool pump fan motor

Oct 5, 2018
A few day's ago I noticed that we had major rust on a heat pool pump fan motor. Note that the pump was installed slightly off of a gutter downspout. Unfortunately the warranty does not cover water damage, although we are in FL. and the unit is under a soffit and always exposed to the elements. We have major downpours which only seemed to effect this motor housing. The unit is only 2.5years old and I wonder if the anodized process wasn't properly applied since the damage cosmetically is extensive.
The heat pump manufacturer wants to charge me $96 for their technician to come out and ascertain that it is rust damage, but no feedback as to what is the purpose. The warranty indicates that water damage therefore rust isn't a warranted item . I have requested the manufacturer to supply the actual motor manufacturer to discuss the issue but haven't received any information to date.
I would like to clean the motor housing, apply rust remover and paint, but again wonder if I am violating the warranty. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. My initial thoughts though are why would water damage leading to rust not be part of a warranty for an item that is constantly outside in the elements.
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Post pics of the problem areas for us to see your situation.
I ended up getting this fan motor replaced under a special deal with the manufacturer. Originally managed to get the go ahead to remove the rust but the product was so pitted and rusty that could not guarantee the integrity of this unit. We decided to manuf a waterproof cover just over the top to make sure this doesn't happen again. The blame was due to excessive water, although we just finished our rainy season and now looking forward to hurricanes. We are planning to tie wrap down the the tarp since magnetic holding straps will not work with 50 mph winds .


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Gulfstream HE 125 RA - bottom line is they though it was below and offset of a gutter downspout. One person indicated that possibly too much water was dumped on the unit, although it was the only area that seemed to be effected and highly unusual. I was surprised at the extent of the damage, since usually anodizing the unit will keep it pristine for certainly more than 2.5 years.
It is good to hear they worked out a solution with you.
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