Is there a Good Automatic Chlorinator?

Aug 1, 2015
Wheatfield, NY
I had a good unit for about 25 years. It took a cartridge that lasted the whole 2 weeks we were on vacation. The sun UV finally corroded it and it needed to be replaced. The local dealer still sold the cartridges, but the unit was out of production.

The alternative unit was a "Swimline" unit that used tabs. Totally Crud. The first unit didn't work at all and the replacement (under warranty) gave so little Cl that the water went green. They won't refund and I surely don't want to have to deal with three strikes.

I'm back to doing it myself with bleach. No problem. But I still need a vacation solution.

Any automatic chlorinators that are worthy of purchase?
You're talking about Salt Water Generators, I take it??

Which brand did you have that lasted 25 years? I think that's a record! Mine managed 8 and we just replaced the cell.

There are quite a few worth looking at. You want one with a cell that's at least 2x your pool volume, so you can run it less and hopefully extend its lifespan.

You can compare some at

Maddie :flower:
I'm sorry, I should have been a lot more specific. Above ground pool, use bleach to maintain CL level. I want an automatic CL feeder. The one I had used a cartridge that lasted about 2 weeks. The ones I have seen (e.g. Hayward) use Trichlor tablets. I just want to buy a good one.
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