Is filter+pump undersized for Intex?


Jul 15, 2023
New Hampshire USA
Hello relative newbie here when it comes to pool ownership in general.
Decided to change my filter sand this year, and when purchasing more, the pool store employee was surprised by how little I wanted based on my pool size.
I currently have an above ground Intex Ultra Xtra 26' × 52" so ~15k gallons.
The pump and filter combo we have is the Intex sf70110-2. .5HP and a 14inch sand filter.

I am having my water routinely tested and keeping the levels in check, but it feels like filter is getting the job done. Am I undersized for the size of my pool?
What specs should I be looking at for these pool dimensions?
Yes, your pump and sand filter is undersized. Intex inflates what their pumps and filters can do by A LOT. I have an 18'x52" Intex Ultra and I did have the exact same pump and filter you currently have. I had to run it 12hrs a day for it to actually clean the water and backflush at least once a day. I upgraded to a 1.5 hp 4980GPH pump with a 200sq.ft cartridge filter. The original pump and filter would not let me run any type of pool cleaner. Once I added the hoses for the cleaner to cover the pool the pump did not have enough suction to even move it. My advice is to go with a 1.5hp 4980GPH and nothing smaller than a 16in Sand Filter if you want to stay with sand. For a cartridge filter, you will want a 300sq.ft filter unit.
Yes, your pump and sand filter is undersized. Intex inflates what their pumps and filters can do by A LOT. I have an 18'x52" Intex Ultra and I did have the exact same pump and filter you currently have. I had to run it 12hrs a day for it to actually clean the water and backflush at least once a day. I upgraded to a 1.5 hp 4980GPH pump with a 200sq.ft cartridge filter. The original pump and filter would not let me run any type of pool cleaner. Once I added the hoses for the cleaner to cover the pool the pump did not have enough suction to even move it. My advice is to go with a 1.5hp 4980GPH and nothing smaller than a 16in Sand Filter if you want to stay with sand. For a cartridge filter, you will want a 300sq.ft filter unit.
Ty, for the info, this was really helpful to know that I wasnt just being sold on buying a new pump. Yea the specs that intex says this pump handles are from 5000g -17000g which seems like a made up range. I will definitely be upgrading hopefully soon.
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