* Iron in Pool Water *


May 20, 2013
We just filled our Intext 16 x 48 metal framed pool with our well water. (hate well water!). We have the basic pump/filter system. Just put in a new filter yesterday.
The pool water color is Unfortunately it is a Murky Brown.
We have gone into the local pool store twice. First guy seemed informed, second guy (visit) seemed to just be holding up the counter. Either way, we were given x 2 different sets of instructions regarding the removal of the Iron & adding of chemicals. We are pool novices.
First were told do not add chemicals until the Iron is out. Second guy/time had us buy $80 (more) worth of chemicals to add that day. Needless to say, we have not added any further chemicals.
The only thing we have in the pool now, is a metal remover tablet that sits in the skimmer basket.
It has done minimal if nothing at all. We spent $60 on this one metal remover.

The water testing done yesterday showed the following:
Total chlorine 0
Free chlorine 0
ph 7.6
Total Alkalinity 195
Calcium Hardness 150
Stabilizer 0
shock Treatment 0

The funny or not so funny thing is, the 2nd pool guy, printed a second water test result after he added in the water was cloudy and it came up with a different set of numbers! Though the instructions for adding the chemicals were the same.

What do we do to remove the Iron?
Do we want to start adding chemicals now?

Thanks so much for the help! Our children & us are really looking forward to enjoying the pool this summer. We live north of the Twin cities in Minnesota~!
Welcome to TFP!

There is no easy way to remove the iron. The best you can do is add a metal sequestrant to bind with the iron and keep it out of the way for a while.

Here is an article with some guidance Metals in the Water and Metal Stains

You probably got a CuLator metal remover. Effectiveness has not been reported as very good by most users here. $27.98 at Amazon.

Any possibility you could haul water from another source?
You need to get some chlorine in there pronto. Plain old bleach. You need to get some CYA in there too--up to 30 ppm to start and adjust your chlorine to that level per the chlorine/cya chart in pool school.
I called our local fire dept today to see if for a fee they would come fill it for us. waiting for a call back.
Not having much luck with the water. Today no improvement.
Pool store today said not to add other chemicals & keep the culator in the water while cleaning the filter frequently.
I did purchase a different product tonite to remove the Iron.
It says to add cholrine first though....
Well water is one of the few drawbacks of not living in the city!
Thanks for the responses. I am not giving up easy!
After weeks of nothing happening to the water. I purchased a sand filter off of amazon.
Worked wonders!!!!
Still have some iron on the bottom of the pool, though am vacumming it out gradually.
The Iron in the water initially test at 1.5 ppm. Highest the gentleman testing had seen!
Just put the chlorine in finally. As from my research & pool store people advised it would make
it near impossible to get the Iron out then.Though the water turned green 12 hours after adding it.
Dead chlorine I guess.....almost have that fixed also!
We haven't used the pool yet....been cold and rainy anyways....though can NOT WAIT to get in soon!
Luck to all whom have Iron in pool water.
Best thing I did to fix it was get rid of the cartridge filter & go with a sand filter.
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