Intro and test result question


New member
May 24, 2021
Hi there -

I found this forum earlier this week when googling something or other about my pool water clarity that was not improving as quickly as in past years. I buzzed through a very long thread (super helpful), ordered my TK-2006 test kit, picked up some baking soda & borax and got to work. I've also read Pool School (though my head is still spinning a little) and downloaded Pool Math. (Tri-hard, I know - I just like to be prepared) :)

A little about me - single mom who bought a house with an inground pool after my divorce a few years ago. I've gotten by so far with few problems, but I'm intrigued by the idea of ditching the pool store, so here I am. I've owned pools in the past in other homes, but this is my first inground. 16x32, 8 feet deep with a diving board.

I've tested yesterday and today. Both my pH and alkalinity were low yesterday and my FC and CYA were basically nil. I added the suggested amounts of baking soda, borax and bleach this morning (I know I should add the bleach at night but there was no sun today and I was impatient). Fast forward to this evening and my pH and TA are within range (7.8 and 80, respectively), but my chlorine is still nonexistent (0.2).

So my question is regarding the FC test and the CYA test. For the FC test, it seems like I'm shoveling copious amounts of R-0870 into the sample before I finally get it the slightest shade of pink, and then it only takes one drop of R-0871 to turn it back to colorless. For the CYA, the dang dot never disappears. I do use a floating feeder with 3 3" chlorine tabs all summer long.

I live in New York and my pool has been open for the season for about 10 days. The water is finally showing only a hint of green in the deep end and I can see the bottom of the steps in the shallow end, though it's quite cloudy. I know things are moving in the right direction. But am I doing the chlorine tests wrong or is my pool just that hard up for chlorine? I had one last gallon of liquid shock from the pool store that I had from *before*, so I tossed that in and kicked the filter back on for the overnight.

Thanks for reading, I hope to learn a lot more about my pool from this forum, I'm feeling lucky to have stumbled upon it!
If you add the R0870 powder and it doesn't turn pink, that means you have no FC in your pool. There is a good chance that you need to perform a SLAM to kill whatever is starting to grow in the water. Your comment of just a hint of green in the deep end tells us that something is beginning to grow. If your dot never disappears on the CYA test, it means that your CYA is < 30 ppm but you can't be quite sure how low. I'd add enough stabilizer to raise CYA by 20 and then SLAM away with liquid chlorine only. Get FC up to 12ppm and hold it there by testing several times a day and adding more if it drops. That will help you get ahead of the algae and kill it all. Otherwise, you'll be spinning your wheels. You'll kill some, but more will keep growing, so keep that FC up at 12ppm consistently.
You have algae, and little CYA. Both contribute to not being able to keep FC in the pool.

Go back and (re)read the SLAM process article. You need to adjust your pH to 7.2, add 20 ppm of CYA (which will drop your pH a bit, so do this before adjusting pH), and test CYA in a few days. Until then, SLAM as though your CYA is 30.

As far as adding bleach at night goes, no, not really. Any time it needs it, it needs it now, not in a few hours. The CYA acts as sunscreen for the chlorine.

For testing, use a 10 mL sample. The added precision of the 25 mL sample just isn't necessary. Saves a bit on reagents.
Welcome to TFP! :wave: Just a few more notes to add:
- If you ordered teh K-2006 and not the 2006"C", you have less reagent, so you can't afford to waste. For the FC testing, keep it like this: 10 ml water sample size with ONE generous scoop of powder, that's it. It should turn Barbie pink. If not, your FC is extremely low or zero so add chlorine ASAP. If it is Barbie pink, add the R-0871 drops one at a time while stirring until clear. Divide result in half. Example: 10 drops equals an FC of 5. In your case, you want 24 drops to clear for a SLAM FC level of 12.
- Be sure to maintain that FC level until you pass all 3 SLAM Process criteria. That's very important. Follow that page carefully.
- Since you will be adding stabilizer, place the required amount in a sock and let it soak in the skimmer or hang near a return jet for about 30 min, then start squeezing it to get all the mushy stabilizer out. That works best.
- No more tabs or any pool store products. Just liquid chlorine or regular bleach (same thing). If you do get bleach, do not use Clorox brand and never use splashless or scented. Just regular or plain.
- Focus on pool cleaning, brushing, inspecting, and maintaining that FC level of 12.

Good luck!
Welcome to TFP! :wave: Just a few more notes to add:
- If you ordered teh K-2006 and not the 2006"C", you have less reagent, so you can't afford to waste. For the FC testing, keep it like this: 10 ml water sample size with ONE generous scoop of powder, that's it. It should turn Barbie pink. If not, your FC is extremely low or zero so add chlorine ASAP. If it is Barbie pink, add the R-0871 drops one at a time while stirring until clear. Divide result in half. Example: 10 drops equals an FC of 5. In your case, you want 24 drops to clear for a SLAM FC level of 12.
- Be sure to maintain that FC level until you pass all 3 SLAM Process criteria. That's very important. Follow that page carefully.
- Since you will be adding stabilizer, place the required amount in a sock and let it soak in the skimmer or hang near a return jet for about 30 min, then start squeezing it to get all the mushy stabilizer out. That works best.
- No more tabs or any pool store products. Just liquid chlorine or regular bleach (same thing). If you do get bleach, do not use Clorox brand and never use splashless or scented. Just regular or plain.
- Focus on pool cleaning, brushing, inspecting, and maintaining that FC level of 12.

Good luck!
This is super helpful, thank you so much! I just picked up stabilizer last night and will add it this morning as you suggested. Yeah, I was excited when I got my Junior Chemist Set (aka K-2006) and only noticed after that there was a version with larger reagents. Thank you for the tip on the pink shade as well. Now I know exactly what I'm looking for. Happy Summer!
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