Intex price increase?

Well, for Target I just use the buy/buy/return method. LOL If it goes cheaper and they still have one, (whatever it is) I just buy it again and return it with the first (higher) receipt.

That toys r us deal is incredible!

Toys r us around here doesn't show that they're carrying them. :( I should just go in the store to double check though. You can't always trust the websites to say what's what especially when it comes to seasonal items.

I'm so excited that I got it for such a good price. It's just sitting in the garage waiting now.. lol
I just can't even. This is my first weekend back from a 2 week vacation. I decided to check stock on the pools in target and the store I bought mine from showed stock available. I said... Hey what the heck I'll drive over and see. It's been a few weeks maybe they have one and it's marked down further.

They had 6. They are now 70% off! I just bought a second one this time at $149.98 - $7.50 for using my red card for a grand total of $151.03 including tax!

I'll return it with the receipt from the other one and save $100+!

I'm in disbelief. So thankful! :) I just had to share.
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