Intex Pool 6 Way Valve potential issue


May 29, 2016
Johnson City, TN
Longtime reader here hoping for some insight. I have an intex pool and upgraded to a 60110 sand filter system years ago. It's worked great for the most part. I've always had sand in the pool which i first chalked up to buying sand at lowes that was too small even though it was pool rated. After swapping to pool store sand i still had some issues.

More pressing, at the end of last year i had some algae issues that i could not beat with chemicals or constant filtering. I figured i'd let winter kill the algae and filter it out this spring. Opening late due to electrical issues and having to run a cord into the house to get power until electrician comes to fix it. When i opened, the water itself was clear, but the bottom was covered in dead algae. I brushed it up and have been filtering for most of a day. When i backwash once the pressure hits yellow, i see plenty of white water come out, but pool looks just as cloudy. This is the same as last fall. I have new sand in the filter and opened as per pool store testing which said water was mostly good. When cleaning and putting filter together i noticed that the collar that is on the bottom of the 6 way valve and goes over the vertical pipe is broken off from its connections. It was actually stuck to the pipe top. There are also two small cracks in that bottom part by the screws. Could this be my issue? Or the sand issue if they are untelated? Thanks in advance!


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Normally sand getting into the pool stems from something wrong in the laterals or hub connection at the bottom. Not so sure those cracks at the top would explain sand returning to the pool. But the cloudiness is probably a separate issue - algae. You can post a full set of water test results and/or do an Overnight Chlorine Loss Test, but I suspect if you never ran a SLAM Process through its entirety you never got rid of the algae and that is the cause of your cloudiness.

Thanks for the reply! Forgot to mention when i cleaned and inspected the sand filter that the laterals looked good with no cracks. The pipe's connection to the hub seemed good, too. It's hard to tell about the connection at thr top, but the top fit on perfectly like a solid connection.

As for the algea, would the winter cold not kill it? It got in the single digits a few times over winter and was plenty cold overall. Does algea come back even after that? I thought i was just removing dead algea at this point. The water has gotten a lot clearer unlike last year when i think i was just in a cycle of killing algae while more grew back, etc. So it was always cloudy.
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