Installing new valves and salt system,need help with configuration

May 7, 2016
Hello Everyone,

I have a 20x40 vinyl pool with a sand filter(approx 35000 gallons). The vinyl is going to be replaced in a week or so, and the wife wants to switch to salt water. I've heard good and bad, but went ahead and got the AquaRite with the T-15 cell. There is not alot of room in the plumbing(attaching link to picture). So, I'm hoping the valves will not be too bad, just cut out the old and replace with new non-metal ones. But with the size of the salt cell and flow switch I had some questions. As you can see, the pipe leaving the sand filter back to the pool only has about 10" before is 90's to the ground. So, I was thinking I could cut the pvc close to where it leaves the sand filter, extend that out to put in the salt cell, then 90 it back twice, coming back toward the house and on the return piece put on the flow meter. Then back under ground. Will this work? Or too many turns? Any suggestions?
Link to picture: 20170714_161656.jpg - Google Drive



I think your basic plan will work, but... (There is always one of those, isn't there...) If this were my equipment pad and I was going to cut most of the pipes anyway...

I'd cut them all and start over..

1. I would pour a simple cement equipment pad..
2. I would add pump unions to the input and output of the pump.
3. I would move the pump over to allow room for the new SWCG
4. I would install Jandy valves on the three pump inputs.

Sorry you asked now, aren't ya..... :p

Let's see if we can get some more members to chime in...

Thanks for posting,

Jim R.
Thank you for the response Jim, I've been thinking about putting a pad there....Would you make the pad where the all the pipes were in the cement?

I'm having someone come and replace the liner, my only worry about doing the pad now is there is some leak in the pool. I'm hoping it's in the liner since we are replacing it, but not sure. The water level dropped about 2 inches below the intakes and has stopped there. The person putting in the liner said he would do a pressure test on the lines before he puts the new liner, so if the leak is in the pipe, it will be easier to access. Also, if anyone has a diagram of what a good setup looks like, that would be great...


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