Installation of iAqualink 3.0 upgrade kit with RS-PS8 PCB Bezel CPU


New member
Jan 22, 2022
Chesapeake Beach, MD
I have an Aqualink system for my pool filter. I want to be able to control my pool using the iPhone app. Therefore I have to upgrade by installing the iAqualink 3.0 upgrade kit with RS-PS8 PCB Bezel CPU. I'm seeing systems on e-bay for $500, but not sure if they give me all I need. It's basically a new motherboard. I have a friend who can install it, I just need to make sure I'm getting the right thing. If there is a YouTube video on how to install this system that someone has please let me know.
The iAqualink 3.0 antenna unit alone is about $500 dollars. The IQ30-RS upgrade kit that includes both the iAqualink 3.0 and the RS-PS8 main board is around $1000 dollars.

I think you are seeing the antenna unit alone for $500 dollars.

What firmware version is your current Aqualink RS board? If it’s not too old you may already be compatible with iAquaLink 3.0 antenna.
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