I'm SLAMmin'...

Yes, as you brush, and loosen up the algae, it presents an organic surface that the FC can work at killing, as it kills it, it uses up the FC, and will drop your FC counts.
Keep it up... it will work out fine.
LOL oh he will take me just so he does not have to eat my cooking! I do the "if I don't do it well no one will want me to do it" kind of cooking.

BUT come on down and we can all go! Yummmmmmmm! Seafood looking out over the water it came from!


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Ok, here's where we stand. Current FC is 16.5 -- Target FC is 16.

Recap of the day (Overcast all day long, not a spot of sunlight):
6 am -- FC 7.5, overnight loss of 2 ppm, added 3 gallons of 10% as calculated by PM.
8:30 -- FC 21, whoops! Maybe pool size is off?
10:30 -- FC 19.5
1:30 -- FC 14, added 80 oz of 10%, using smaller pool size calc.
2:25 -- FC 20, whoops again!
4:00 -- FC 18
6:40 pm -- FC 16.5, pressure on the DE filter was up a bit, so I just backwashed for 30 secs and then recharged the filter with 6 lbs of DE. So it seems that it's definitely killing something in there.

So what should I do tonight? Add a bit of bleach, retest an hour later and then do another OCLT? Skip the OCLT tonight and shoot for doing it again tomorrow night? Let it go overnight at 16.5, knowing that it's probably/might be going to be under SLAM target by morning?

About to pour a giant glass of wine... cheers! And thank you! :lovetfp:
Water is beautiful and clear -- we can see little poufs of stuff when we brush, but not enough to even cloud up the water. Getting pretty dark up here in New England, so I'm going to stick with what's in there now, and reassess in the morning. Thanks for your help -- hope you are enjoying that ride and dinner!
Good morning!

So I'm obsessed and I ended up testing again last night. FC was 16.
Got up at 6 am and tested, and it was 14.
I don't know why, but I thought to retest -- and it was 15, tested again and got 15.5. CC is 0, water is clear.

Definitely some user error going on here. I'm swirling with one hand, and holding the dropper vertical with the other -- trying to drop in a steady one-second interval and counting as I go. I think I'll order the stirrer -- but in the meantime is it possible that I'm getting bigger or smaller drops? Is my technique off?
I think I'll order the stirrer -- but in the meantime is it possible that I'm getting bigger or smaller drops? Is my technique off?
Speed Stir! :goodjob: I can't imagine not having mine. What a difference. Sure, the holding (bottle vertical), swirling, and drops are like a juggling act, so it's very possible the tests are just a hair off between drops and such. Just do the best you can until you get the speed stir.
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