I teach Scuba Diving in my pool--And am looking for help with solar panels


New member
Mar 29, 2022
Orange County, California
I live in Orange County, California. I have owned a pool for 20 years. It is a 20K gallon in-ground pool, with solar heating and fake rock coping and walls. I teach scuba diving for a living, and use the pool for classes.

I need to replace my pool solar water heating panels. They are leaking. I have found three manufacturers that I can purchase online (all 4'x12' w/ 2" headers). I am looking for advice on which last the longest. I can find no real consumer or product reviews online.

The ones I have identified are:
Fafco ($339 each) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07JD4FRZ9/ref=twister_B08YRZ6DMB?_encoding=UTF8&th=1
Solar Pool Supply ($499 each) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07ZG4YYZD/ref=twister_B09NF4R67R?_encoding=UTF8&th=1
Aquatherm ($296 each) Fafco 4x12 Solar Pool Heating Panels

Does anyone have any experience with relative merits of these brands, or are they all essentially the same? Any other thoughts or information is welcome!
Thanks for your input!
Welcome to TFP :)

It looks like Fafco has a new solar power and water heater combined panel that would work great and they are right up the street from you :)

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I just did a search of Fafco panels... I did just get solar electric on my house but not water heating.. I am going to be using my deck as my pool heater.. :)
So, your saying you got 20yrs out of your original solar heater setup? I've been contemplating getting solar, but it's a hefty investment.