I Like My CSI, Should I worry about TA and CH?

I didn't get the chance to drain before swim season started and my CH has gone up to about 800ppm. There's minor scaling of the plaster. I'll wait until next fall to do a partial drain and refill with softened water to bring it down but what's the best acid temporarily to assist with removing the scale while brush brush brushing?
“best acid temporarily” what is that?

Only a very negative CSI can help melt the scale away. Which will be difficult for you to achieve.

Or sanding the scale off with diamond pads.
“best acid temporarily” what is that?

Only a very negative CSI can help melt the scale away. Which will be difficult for you to achieve.

Or sanding the scale off with diamond pads.
Temporarily in that I don't want the CSI too low for too long in order to not create other issues. The scale is basically very very small peaks you can feel when rubbing your hand on the surface that break off with your finger nails.
Your pH and CSI will not stay low to create other issues unless you continuously add acid.

Keep it low until the scale melts off.
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Your pH and CSI will not stay low to create other issues unless you continuously add acid.

Keep it low until the scale melts off.
I'm thinking of using ascorbic acid, which is a mild acid used as a food preservative mainly for fruits. Should I or should I just stick with Muriatic?
I'm thinking of using ascorbic acid, which is a mild acid used as a food preservative mainly for fruits. Should I or should I just stick with Muriatic?

That makes no sense. You lower your pH to a number. What acid you use to get there makes no difference.
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Pretty sure I don't want to use sulphuric acid! Guess I'll go with Muriatic Acid next winter after doing a partial drain and refill, brushing and brushing then balancing.

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